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Thread: a noob needs help and suggestions with his first cycle

  1. #1

    a noob needs help and suggestions with his first cycle

    aite guys, im about to be 21 in like 6 months. im 5'6 around 138lbs with about 18% bodyfat
    started working out like 3.5 years ago but 2 of those years were just bullshit. got educated about bodybuilding and diet around 1.5 years ago and been making gains since then. i want to do a cycle of 8 weeks with Test E. i dont wanna get crazy gains and also dont want any side effects. so thats why i was wondering to do 250mg for 8 weeks and if i dont see much gains then ill bump it up to 350mg and ive read here that AI should be taken while on cycle. so i was planning on taking arimidex or letrozole while on cycle but i have no idea about which one and how much of it i should be taking. and i also know that i should start pct after about 2 weeks of the last dose. ive read nolva is good for pct but again i dont know how much should i be taking for that
    one thing you should know is that i got slight gyno while i hit puberty which is probably about 8-10 years ago (dont clearly rmr). so i was wondering if that might make me more prone to getting gyno. if so what should i take to prevent that
    so could anyone plese suggest and critique me and let me know what else i should be doing while and after cycle
    Last edited by demonfox; 12-13-2012 at 06:29 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    I think a little more reading and research would benefit you, particularly for someone your age. Your natural testosterone levels are sky high right now. I would concentrate on taking advantage of that as you can make tremendous gains in following few short years.

    It’s best to know the complications and associated health risks that could affect you should you decide to embark on this journey sooner than later. A few more years to allow your developing endocrine system to finish growing, and then perhaps look at using AAS.

    Otherwise you could be setting yourself up for a host of unwanted side affects including premature closure of your growth plates, Erectile Dysfunction, Gynecomastia (b*tch t*ts), and more..

    Take a look at this link and please read it. I think you will agree that it is both informative and educational.

    Cheers and good luck.

    The Young and Steroids

    Cycles Gone Wrong for the Young*#.UL2db2fX_fs

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Please read the thread Mick posted for you. I also ansered your post in the other thread. I would ask you please read all the info available on this site pertaining to the risks of cycling at your age.

    Your cycle itself is not good. 250mg of test is a high range TRT dose...given your age you are basicly replacing your natty test with another test. It's not worth the shutdown of your HPTA and the risk of ED, high BP, enlarged prostate, cardiac health issues, high cholesterol, GYNO...did I mention rubber dick?

    All of this for 5-10 lbs that you can gain by tweaking your diet and hitting the gym like an animal?

  4. #4
    just to be sure, its not like you WILL get sides if you take gear, right? like its not if and then situation. but its more like if you do gear then youre likely to get it.
    and if i do decide to go with it, i might change my mind, what dosage would you recommend, for being on the safe side. 200mg a week?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    I dont think you will get much help or advice on gear considering your age. Listen to these guys, they know what they are talking about.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    A rock & a hard place
    Quote Originally Posted by demonfox
    just to be sure, its not like you WILL get sides if you take gear, right? like its not if and then situation. but its more like if you do gear then youre likely to get it.
    and if i do decide to go with it, i might change my mind, what dosage would you recommend, for being on the safe side. 200mg a week?

    No one can say with any certainty what or if you'll experience side effects. There are NO guarantees. The point the other guys are making is why risk it when you are still likely developing and can take advantage of natural test levels. Side effects may happen early or late. We can't predict that for you. Just look what happened to this guy that didn't listen:

    200mg/wk? Why bother shutting your natural levels down for a dose that's nothing more than a TRT dose?
    Last edited by MuscleInk; 12-13-2012 at 07:39 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Have you hit up the nutrition forum and posted up your diet with macros? I think at your age you can exceed the gains that you are attempting with proper diet alone.
    Quote Originally Posted by demonfox View Post
    aite guys, im about to be 21 in like 6 months. im 5'6 around 138lbs with about 18% bodyfat
    started working out like 3.5 years ago but 2 of those years were just bullshit. got educated about bodybuilding and diet around 1.5 years ago and been making gains since then. i want to do a cycle of 8 weeks with Test E. i dont wanna get crazy gains and also dont want any side effects. so thats why i was wondering to do 250mg for 8 weeks and if i dont see much gains then ill bump it up to 350mg and ive read here that AI should be taken while on cycle. so i was planning on taking arimidex or letrozole while on cycle but i have no idea about which one and how much of it i should be taking. and i also know that i should start pct after about 2 weeks of the last dose. ive read nolva is good for pct but again i dont know how much should i be taking for that
    one thing you should know is that i got slight gyno while i hit puberty which is probably about 8-10 years ago (dont clearly rmr). so i was wondering if that might make me more prone to getting gyno. if so what should i take to prevent that
    so could anyone plese suggest and critique me and let me know what else i should be doing while and after cycle

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Sides are part of the game Bro.We have young guys like yourself here everyday.And we advise them to wait! Some dont listen and end up with no libdo ED problems.So you just have to ask yourself IS IT WORTH IT!

  9. #9
    so after thinking about it for a while now, i think ive decided not to do it
    but i was wondering if using clen while cutting would be an issue? because since im not taking any gear, im going to do a dirty bulk to ensure i gai the max amount possible so ill need some help to lose the fat later on
    so if anyone with prior experience and knowledge about clen could help me out would be greatly appreciated
    i know that it causes cramps so i will be supplementing with taurine for sure and also eat lotsa banana for the potassium. but anything major that i need to concern myself with?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by demonfox View Post
    so after thinking about it for a while now, i think ive decided not to do it
    but i was wondering if using clen while cutting would be an issue? because since im not taking any gear, im going to do a dirty bulk to ensure i gai the max amount possible so ill need some help to lose the fat later on
    so if anyone with prior experience and knowledge about clen could help me out would be greatly appreciated
    i know that it causes cramps so i will be supplementing with taurine for sure and also eat lotsa banana for the potassium. but anything major that i need to concern myself with?
    Talk to Samson about dirty bulking..I really don't like it. Slow, lean bulking is a much more effective way of maintaining any gains!

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