I want to loose weight as quick as possible, and I am planning on taking Clen, but I'm not sure what to stack it with. I was thinking of stacking it with ephendrine. Does anyone know if this is a good idea?
I want to loose weight as quick as possible, and I am planning on taking Clen, but I'm not sure what to stack it with. I was thinking of stacking it with ephendrine. Does anyone know if this is a good idea?
A good diet is the best stack for cutting. What is your nutrition program like?
The thing is if you use Clen and your diet isn't spot on or your not exercising the weight will just come right back within the month after you discontinue Clen
My diet isnt that great, i am up at all hours at night because i have a baby that doesnt like to sleep much. i try not eating at night but thats when i am awake. In the past i tried many supplements, some cheap some very expensive, but they havent worked very well for me.
Why do you want to take clen?
Because i heard the results are very effective and quick. i have a lot of weight to loose after having my baby.
To start with I didn't realise you were female....
If your trying to loose weight clen really isn't going to help you that much.... I promise you... I know u want a magic pill to take that will make u loose fat while u carry on as normal.... This simply isn't the case... If it was we would all be how we want to be...
You need to dial your training and diet in and stick to a strict plan if you really want to loose body fat.... I promise you that you don't need clen....
Side effects from clen are really crappy... Just don't even bother..... Strict diet, hard heavy training, interval cardio = results
Check out our nutrition section... Post up your stats and goals... You will get support all the way untill you reach your goal, and you will reach your goal if you listen....
ohh dam just realized you a woman sorry for calling you a bro...
So because i am a woman, opinions change. I am aware of being on a strict diet, obviously i will go on a strict diet with taking clen. I have taken many supplements in my past. I never said i was looking for a "magic pill" I am not one of those people that just expect results from nothing, i know i have to work for it, but i wanted results quick.
First time I used clen it was with a crappy diet. I lifted 4x a week and did cardio. No results, just horrible side effects. Got the diet on track, no clen and got results. Amazing how that works.
Why put your body through all that? These drugs are very hard on your body and your body has been through enough with having a baby! With being up all hrs and eating at night is no reason to not eat good wholesome food. Hit the nutrition section and let the gurus help you. You won't be sorry!!!!Originally Posted by katarzyna
Ok, I'll answer your question. Don't stack
Clen with anything, it packs more then enough punch by it self. I stopped using it because the sides are crap. Felt like shit, sweating lots, and I started getting heart palpitations and I immediately stopped.
You probably won't like it, diet works best I find.
Thank you for your answer, I have had experiences with those symptoms with other supplements, i didnt favor them. But i will try clen, i wont stack it then, what was your cycle like? I hear a lot of people do 2 weeks on 2 weeks off.
You have to drink lots of water to avoid muscle cramps and the cramps can be very bad. I also got very shaky. I honestly think you will favor better from adjusting your diet but if you go the Clen rout then be prepared for the sides! I didn't think the sides were better than the benefit from my experience and yes most will say run it 2 weeks on then 2 weeks offOriginally Posted by katarzyna
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