I searched the forum & couldn't find much. Just wondering if anyone has experience with this product & results after term usage. thanks in advance.
I searched the forum & couldn't find much. Just wondering if anyone has experience with this product & results after term usage. thanks in advance.
its a pharm grade gh. Its good if you can get it.
Results vary alot depending on doseages
If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong
I've used legit Serostim before with good results. In fact, I wouldn't use HGH again unless I could get my hands on Serostim (unfortunatley, my source dried up).
I know several people on it currently and they love it. Very cost prohibitive though. My doc just wrote me for Sermorelin and I look forward to trying that out as I've never run GH. Covered by insurance as well so that's a great bonus. Normal pharmacies don't carry Sermorelin though so you have to use a speciality pharmacy but I'm finding it's relatively cheap compared to serostim.
I used Sermorelin/GHRP-6 from my HRT physician who gets it from a compound pharmacy. It works by stimulating your Pituitary Glands to increase your natural GH. The problem is your Pituitary Glands can only produce so much GH. You should take a base line BW first and measure your increase. For me it only raised it a couple of clicks after 6 months. I switched to GH from my source and it works great. Did BW and my IGF-1 increased a lot more than the Sermorelin did.Originally Posted by kelkel
Last edited by testluva; 02-08-2013 at 01:25 AM.
I hear ya. Just want to give it a try since ins will be paying for it so why not! See how I respond to it. If not what I expect then Jin-Tropin or Serostim.
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