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Thread: Timing of growth shot

  1. #1

    Timing of growth shot

    If you have been running 5iu for the last 6 months everyday, does it matter if you shoot in the morning, or closer to the afternoon before your workout. I am trying to see if there are more performance benefits of doing it around your workout.

  2. #2
    There are lots of threads on this subject including one very recently, please have a read through those they should answer your questions.

    jing jai

  3. #3
    I've been shooting 5iu/ed for going on 6 years. I don't see a difference shooting in the morning (all 5iu) or evening (all 5iu), split (2.5iu in the morning 2.5iu in the evening). They all work.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    USA-New Jersey
    they should work the same
    but for easiness people split it upon waking up and before sleeep.. and if 10 IU or so , they split it into 3 doses include one pre workout or so
    although i dont know if pre workout shake would effect it or not... cuz it has some sugars ( not sure )

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