It has been brought to my attention that I may have offended some ladies around here in one or more of the threads on the forum. I want to make it very clear that this was not my intention. As some of you may know me better than others, im sure those of you who do know me know that my intentions here are genuine and meant to be a positive force. For who ever it was I offended, i am deeply and truly sorry. I meant no harm in any comments that may have been made.
I also want to make it clear that I do not wish the women of this thread away, and enjoy their presence, input and friendship. I said in one of my threads that I didn't want it to be turned into another thread praising all the women here and that was wrong. Their accomplishments should not go unrecognized in any part if this forum for any reason. I may have been suffering a "poor me" moment and wrapped up in my own personal issues surrounding my own poor decisions. I sincerely hope I can be forgiven for this and the staff here, as well as all members do not continue to see me as a negative force in any way. I will do my best to contribute in a positive manor and refrain from speaking out on sensitive topics regarding women in particular
Sincerely and truly
Good luck