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Thread: About to start TRT Pellets! Right or Wrong?

  1. #1

    About to start TRT Pellets! Right or Wrong?

    I am a 34 year old male. 6'2" and 280 lbs of fat! I have been battling anxiety for about 7 years and my wife of 5 years and I have had a somewhat rocky sexual relationship due to my lack of interest. I would've never guessed I wouldn't even think about having sex.

    Anyway, after a discussion with a friend of mine about low T I decided to go to the Dr and find out if this could be my underlying problem. My test level came back at 320 and I am starting the pellet therapy next week.

    My question is whether or not the injections would be more effective? I have every symptom associated with low T so I'm pumped about possibly feeling good again, losing weight, working out again, and getting my sex life back in order.

  2. #2
    You and I are about the same size. I cannot comment on the pellets and haven't read too many people using them. I personally do IM 2 x week. Definately talk to your doc about HCG and a AI. I am personally battling what I believe to be high estradiol and it flat out sucks. Been on my protocol without HCG or an AI for exactly 2 months. First 5-6 weeks I felt flat out awesome, week 7 felt like I did when I started more or less and now at week 8 feel flat out like shit. Made a "get me into the doc ASAP" appt and see him on Tuesday for BW and hopefully an AI even before my results come back. If your doc will listen to you about HCG and an AI then stay with him. If they tell you it isn't needed, find a new doc ASAP. I believe my doc is open to the AI AND WE'll see what he has to say about the HCG. Good luck and keep us posted on your journey.

  3. #3
    I'm excited about getting started because I've felt like crap for so long now. I played football my whole life and for 2 years in college. I was never as strong as most of the guys and look back now and wonder if I've battled low T that long. I still work out "occasionally" but nothing like I should. I hope this will spark the desire to get back in the weight room religiously not only for myself but for my wife and 2 small sons. I will check with my doc about the HCG.

  4. #4
    Lol, getting in the gym will happen. I blew knee out in January and just had surgery last week. That was the only reason I wasn't in the gym, had energy out the wazoo and felt like a man again by week 4 of my protocol. Actually brought in a dumbbell to work and would do curls and triceps extensions while sitting at my desk. People looked at me funny but what the hell, I was feeling good! Can't wait to get my issues worked out and get into the gym. At leasty wife is understanding, she told me yesterday that I now know what it feels like to be on a period. Lmao!

  5. #5
    UPDATE 1
    Had pellets inserted today. A little tender but to be expected and welcomed if this works. All labs were good except t levels. Updates to come.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Woovols View Post
    UPDATE 1
    Had pellets inserted today. A little tender but to be expected and welcomed if this works. All labs were good except t levels. Updates to come.
    I have had three sets of the Testopel pellets inserted. I think each time my urologist used 12 pellets. My levels were pretty good and I didn't have the "chore" of either applying gel daily, or injecting weekly. The downside is that I seem to metabolize the pellets quickly, and after 4 months, I needed another set done.

    To compund matters, at my last doctor visit he said he didn't have more pellets in supply and was having trouble getting more, so he switched me back to gel.

    I say try the pellets and see how you do. If you don't get good levels and relief from your symptoms, give the gel or injections a try. Keep us updated when you do more labs. Good luck!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2012
    I did the pellets and felt great for the first month/month and a half. After that I never felt like crap, but I knew my levels were declining. My main reason for going on pellets was to avoid gel transference and that I was freaked out by needles. However, I switched to injections after three and a half months on the pellets to gain a more consistent and stable level of testosterone (one injection a week, although I am probably going to switch to split my dose to two injections a week).

    I personally don't think there is anything particularly wrong with the pellets, but they don't offer any way to tweak your levels. Through injections you can dial in your protocol and tweak it (with a doctor's help, of course) to where you feel the best.

    The needle phobia was actually really easy to get over... I actually enjoy injections now as they represent a triumph of sorts for me. Call me self-masochistic, but there it is

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