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Thread: Ghrp-2 sides

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    The main (and only) side I notice with GHRP-2 is hand numbness. It only happens when sleeping. It's bad to the point where it interrupts my sleep. Anyone know any tricks to combat this?

    I'm running GHRP-2 and mod GRF 1-29 at 100mcg 3-4x a day. Been running it for a little over 2 months.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Glass Case of Emotion
    Well at least you know you're peps are legit, as this side is normally due to elevated GH levels. I use to get this when 1st starting peptides, but my body became tolerant and I no longer get this. You could ride it out and more than likely the body will build up tolerance or cut back your dose to 50mcg of each or just pin the 100mcg of each 2-3 times per day, not 3-4.

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