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Thread: hgh help

  1. #1

    hgh help

    hello ive nver taken hgh before and i cant find any good info on what exactly to do and how to take it, im currently on my second cycle of test and was hoping i could use hgh to help me throught my post cycle, during my last post cycle i gained 12lbs of fat and lost 10lbs of strength. but i really need hgh to help me loose and maintain low body fat. based on pictures ive seen id say im 15-20% body fat but need o be 5-7% and im wondering if hgh will help me achive that? ive been eating egg whites chicken and tuna for about 2-3 weeks and cardio 1-2 a day alongf with normal weight lifting and i cant loose any more body fat and i need to, any one know if this will do the trick? really need any help or links thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Hi mr.fatcat! Through reading all the posts from advices that guys here give to others, I've noticed one thing. Unless you go a head spend a lots of time ( which is gonna educate you alot) searching, reading and finding out what exactly your goal is, what are you stuck on, pinpointing your question (not asking broad many question) not many guys gonna help you brothe!! I am not trying to be an a..hole here, please dont take it wrong! I am just a beginner as well and I got many questions too,just trying to learn to ask right questions as well! Dont get me wrong there are many knowledgeble vets that are here to help! !

  3. #3
    Losing body fat is a combination of several factors. 1) diet - eating has the greatest influence on gain/loss of body fat. Get on the diet forum and get dial yourself in a good eating program. 2) cardio - a lot of people can't lost fat unless they cardio. I like "cross fit" type cardio not 80% for 45min cardio. You have to max out your volumetric efficiency to really get your body into the fat burning zone. 3) Resistance training - weight lifting along with cardio is king of fat loss. 4) AAS - I would recommend short ester Test because they retain less water to break down. HGH? Clen? Keto? ECA? These all help but the key is still to diet, cardio, train, and AAS. There's no short cuts. It take a lot of discipline, work, and it takes time. If you're serious about losing body fat, drink no alcohol, eat little to no processed carbs like bread or spaghetti, no sugars, little to no salt, no smoking, no coffee, get a masticating juicer and juice between meals. This is pretty dramatic but you'll lose body fat. The trick is to gradually adapt "life" into this regiment so you can keep your gains and have some sort of quality of life. Good luck.

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