So this is my 2nd cycle. The first was just test (durateston) for 8 weeks (500mg/week). Everything worked just fine. Made a few mistakes and the results were not what I was expecting. Now I read a lot about it and I think I'll be able to run a cycle with reasonable results.
My cycle will be: week 1-10 Test E 500mg/week; 1-8 Deca 300mg/week and 40mg of dianabol ED. Plus arimidex 0.5mg EOD as an AI. I bought nolva in case gyno appears.
TPC serms, with clomid and nolva. Unfortunately I couldn't find HCG...
I'm 37y old with 4 years of training non-stop. My diet is quite clean, basically I eat 6 meals ED, with whole wheat pasta, some protein (lean beef, chicken breast, turkey and eventually fish). Not very fan of supplements but I take whey and casein regularly. I don't drink btw.
My BF is now 14% but I do intend to lower it before the cycle starts. At my age and being an ammateur bodybuilder isn't easy to low your BF but I can do it. My height is 5'6" and weight 167 pounds.
I hit the gym 5xweek, monday to friday with 3 different training routines. Every week I train the same muscle group twice, changing the exercises, number os sets and reps every month. Squatt, deadlift, military press and barbbell bench press are always present.
Any advice would be highly appreciated!