whats the best way to go about using Raloxifene? should i use this alone? and how long for. trying to get rid of my pea size gyno lumps. thanks guys
whats the best way to go about using Raloxifene? should i use this alone? and how long for. trying to get rid of my pea size gyno lumps. thanks guys
Id use 60mg/day and plan on at least 2 months treatment possible longer. In studies they seem to rum about 6 months but i found ralox worked more quickly than this. Anyway 60mg/day ...on its own is fine. Evaluate after 4 weeks.
1-arr carries it (banner at top of page)
2-It should not kill your sex drive-no. Anything is possible but its prob the least likely to have this side effect.
3-Thats the whole goal isnt it? All you can do is try. It can and does work..sometimes however the only solution is surgery.
for PCT I rec a clomid/tamox combo ( or even torem in place of tamox, but haven't used that one myself, research is very good on it)
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