okay so next cycle im running 700mg deca and 600mg test and i normally run .25mg arimidex ED however i was wondering if that may have slown down my gains and should i use it at .25mg EOD instead for next cycle ?????
okay so next cycle im running 700mg deca and 600mg test and i normally run .25mg arimidex ED however i was wondering if that may have slown down my gains and should i use it at .25mg EOD instead for next cycle ?????
It wont slow down your gains!!!lmao
Only gains that can slow down is fat gains and water gains!
Run 0.5mg eod or 0.25 ED
It would take much more than .25 ED to have any effect on your gains. Start at .25 EOD and adjust from there.
Your gains are set by your nutrition. Moreover....IF gains were affected by taking an AI, the potential health risks of not controlling aromatase activity far outweigh any limited gains you are worrying about. Be smart about it. Use an AI as directed, train hard, eat the way you should and the gains will take care of themselves.
If you strip your body of estrogen, you're going to slow down your gains and feel pretty crappy. .25mg/ed or .25mg/eod isn't going to strip away estrogen, you'll be fine. I like to start slow .25mg/eod and see if I get any symptoms of gyno. If my nipples get sensitive I go to .25mg/ed or increase to .5mg/ed until I get back to normal. Then I back off again to .25mg/ed or .25mg/eod. I don't want to take more stuff then I need.
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