Age: 26
Weight: 195
Bf%: 16%
Cycle experience: 2 total. super dmz only cycle (retarded). test prop 10 weeks with super dmZ kicker
I plan on doing quite a cycle next, I know I should have more experience with cycling first before jumping into tren. But I already have it and I would like to give it a go, if I can't handle it, I will simply stop.
I've ordered DNP yesterday and was looking for this cycle
Week 1-8 test prop 200mg/wk
Week 8-10 test prop 500mg/wk
Week 2-8 tren ace 400mg/wk
Week 1-3 DNP. 250mg ED then bump to 500 if manageable
- Will be taking HCG all the way through pct,
-aromasin 12.5 ed
- prami ( need suggested dosage)
Pct :
nolva 40/40/20/20
clomid 150/100/100/50
HCG + AI all the way through
also have test booster on hand
I'm looking to strip off as much fat as I can and then harden up and tighten with tren and grow of course. I only have enough for 6 weeks.
1) should I buy another vial for a total of 8 weeks tren? Instead of 6
2) I have enough test to blast 500mg/wk for week 8-10 after tren is over ( I plan on keeping low test high tren) . Would this be ok to do?
3) I have a bunch of ECA left should I use it with my dnp or keep it simple? I worry about hunger cravings I read about.
Any alterations or advice ?