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Thread: 74kg - 87.2kg

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Dublin , Ireland

    Thumbs up 74kg - 87.2kg

    hi this is my most recent pics of my progress so far

    the first picture to the left was before the cycle , in janaury of this year I started my cycle may the 2nd of this year running test enanth and cyp 3 shots a week up until august , wen I started my contest prep ,I changed the compounds to test prop , mast prop eod along with winstrol injection on my days off and 50mg anavar ed,
    the picture to the right is post contest , takin 2 days ago , am currently running test enanth and boldenon 2 shots a week for the next ten weeks , doing a clean bulk then starting pct after xmas , my diet is still the same as it was for the show just eating more carbs and extra meal , I was 84kg on October the 6th the day of the show so unfortunately was 10kilo to heavy for the mens athletic physique cayegory which I planned on doing , so I was thrown into the first timers which has no height or weight restrictions , and I did not place , in saying that it was a majour experience and wud do it all again in a heat beat , Amazing im currently 87kg with bf around 8% , still vascular , and want to stay like dat, my goal for the next 10 weeks is to reach around 95kg lean , if I notice myself putting on any fat I will change diet , my cheat meals are just like protein bars and shit so im reasnobly strict, feedback welcome
    regards alan
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	transform.jpg 
Views:	2823 
Size:	40.9 KB 
ID:	144929  

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Dublin , Ireland
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	1 year Transformation.jpg 
Views:	12921 
Size:	887.9 KB 
ID:	145635 Bump no feedback atall

  3. #3
    Great job on the transformation you look great. For me personally I like the pic best when you were around 80kilo mark, (the 3rd picture from the left). I mean it all depends on what you want. I personally am into the physique model look, but again depends on what you want. Not sure how tall you are? I am 5.9 so for me I prefer to stay on the leaner side. Just my opinion.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Great results. Your shoulders have widened heaps. Did you do anything different to achieve this? My shoulders look same as your pic 2 and I can't seem to get them wider.

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