Hi guys, I'm starting a cutting cycle next month (11/11), but I like to plan ahead and I want to start thinking in the next protocol already, after this cutting phase and the subsequent cycle rest I'm thinking in doing a 12 weeks bulk in march, and I would be glad to receive advices and different opinions from you guys, first, my stats:
now at 236lbs, 12% BF, 6"
My "cutting" cycle will not be just cutting, I'll do a 5 weeks bulking program in the beginning to take advantage of the quick gains I have in short cycles, and than do a 8 weeks cutting phase, don't know if it will work properly but I'll try, I plan to maintain the weight while loosing more or less 6% BF, but let me put the next cycle here, the one I need advice on.
So, the plan is to be at +-236lbs with 6% BF in the beginning of this cycle...
I'm planning on doing this:
1-12 1.2g entanthate
1-12 600mg boldenone
1-12 600mg nandrolone (decaonate or phenylpropionate??)
1-4 80mg dbol ED (I know it seems a lot, already used that dosage with no more sides than when using 40-50mg ED, neither my tests results showed alterations after 2 months off cycle, I plan to do this dosage again, what you guys think?)
5-8 13ui slin 2x/day
9-12 80mg dbol ED
About the slin/dbol, I don't know what to do, if dbol-slin-dbol like planned or slin-dbol-slin, I want to take advantage of the high gains of the both, so the plan is to use one, rest while using the other and change again, I didn't put above put I plan to use IGF-1 long r3 100mcg ED while on dbol to keep fat in control due to insulin use, I don't wanna mix it with insulin due to risk...
Another thing, the insulin, the last time I've used 10ui 2 times ED for 4 weeks, this time I want to add more insulin, my options are (I think) to add 1 more time, doing 3x10ui ED, and up this 10ui slowly to establish my limit, or take a small amount of it before every meal.
In this case I need advice, my current program that follows every insulin shot is: 10g/ui of dextrose after injection, 2 doses of whey with 10g creatine and 10g glutamine 15 minutes after, complete meal at 1h and another one at 2:00-2:30, depends on my stomach ability to eat endless amounts of food, hehehe
If i take before every meal aside from morning and post workout, how would you to this? 2ui followed by the meal (high protein, high complex carbs, low simple carbs (15-20 grams)? 2ui followed by dextrose and than the meals? take it just before the meals or 1h before like the 10ui shots? 2ui is enough to this additional shots or I should increase it over time?
I don't really care about loosing my definition from the cutting phase, I think if I can get to 6% I can maintain it under 10%, so no big deal about the esters I plan to use... Using my "planned stats" on the beginning of this bulking cycle and the sterling-pasmore equation my caloric intake requirements will be about 5281kcal, I plan to add 1000-1500 in the bulking cycle and regulate that while measuring the results (weight and bf% with caliper every 7-10 days), so +-6300-6800kcal and 40% protein 40% carbs 20 % fat, what you guys think about that?
Sorry for so many questions but I would be very grateful for any help I can get from you guys!
And sorry for my english...