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Thread: Strong bulk, need advice.

  1. #1

    Strong bulk, need advice.

    Hi guys, I'm starting a cutting cycle next month (11/11), but I like to plan ahead and I want to start thinking in the next protocol already, after this cutting phase and the subsequent cycle rest I'm thinking in doing a 12 weeks bulk in march, and I would be glad to receive advices and different opinions from you guys, first, my stats:

    now at 236lbs, 12% BF, 6"

    My "cutting" cycle will not be just cutting, I'll do a 5 weeks bulking program in the beginning to take advantage of the quick gains I have in short cycles, and than do a 8 weeks cutting phase, don't know if it will work properly but I'll try, I plan to maintain the weight while loosing more or less 6% BF, but let me put the next cycle here, the one I need advice on.

    So, the plan is to be at +-236lbs with 6% BF in the beginning of this cycle...

    I'm planning on doing this:

    1-12 1.2g entanthate
    1-12 600mg boldenone
    1-12 600mg nandrolone (decaonate or phenylpropionate??)
    1-4 80mg dbol ED (I know it seems a lot, already used that dosage with no more sides than when using 40-50mg ED, neither my tests results showed alterations after 2 months off cycle, I plan to do this dosage again, what you guys think?)
    5-8 13ui slin 2x/day
    9-12 80mg dbol ED

    About the slin/dbol, I don't know what to do, if dbol-slin-dbol like planned or slin-dbol-slin, I want to take advantage of the high gains of the both, so the plan is to use one, rest while using the other and change again, I didn't put above put I plan to use IGF-1 long r3 100mcg ED while on dbol to keep fat in control due to insulin use, I don't wanna mix it with insulin due to risk...

    Another thing, the insulin, the last time I've used 10ui 2 times ED for 4 weeks, this time I want to add more insulin, my options are (I think) to add 1 more time, doing 3x10ui ED, and up this 10ui slowly to establish my limit, or take a small amount of it before every meal.

    In this case I need advice, my current program that follows every insulin shot is: 10g/ui of dextrose after injection, 2 doses of whey with 10g creatine and 10g glutamine 15 minutes after, complete meal at 1h and another one at 2:00-2:30, depends on my stomach ability to eat endless amounts of food, hehehe

    If i take before every meal aside from morning and post workout, how would you to this? 2ui followed by the meal (high protein, high complex carbs, low simple carbs (15-20 grams)? 2ui followed by dextrose and than the meals? take it just before the meals or 1h before like the 10ui shots? 2ui is enough to this additional shots or I should increase it over time?

    I don't really care about loosing my definition from the cutting phase, I think if I can get to 6% I can maintain it under 10%, so no big deal about the esters I plan to use... Using my "planned stats" on the beginning of this bulking cycle and the sterling-pasmore equation my caloric intake requirements will be about 5281kcal, I plan to add 1000-1500 in the bulking cycle and regulate that while measuring the results (weight and bf% with caliper every 7-10 days), so +-6300-6800kcal and 40% protein 40% carbs 20 % fat, what you guys think about that?

    Sorry for so many questions but I would be very grateful for any help I can get from you guys!

    And sorry for my english...
    Last edited by Nematocyst; 10-24-2013 at 05:08 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Nomadic Day Laborer
    You're gonna cut 6% off your current BF while maintaining your current weight, hence replacing the fat with lean muscle? I wanna see pics of that! About the cycle, a lot of people here say EQ is a waste and that it needs to run around 16 weeks. This is a fukin gnarly cycle, I hope you know what you're doing.

  3. #3
    That's the plan! But I'll do thing separated, my plan is to gain 10-15lbs in the first 5 weeks, witch I think is possible due to insulin and dianabol stack, and than make a 8 weeks cutting trying to loose the same amount, adding trenbolone and T3, and removing the other two mentioned. I'll take some pictures before, in the change between bulk and cutt phase and after, I'll post here if I succeed!

    About the EQ, I've already used for less time, I must have real good receptors to that because I gain more on that than on deca, and even if it don't give me real great gains just for the appetite enhancement I think is worth it.

    Thanks for the reply!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2013
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    is that 2grams a week of test?

    You need to post your cycle history I would say, that's an advanced cycle. Tell us a little more about yourself.

  5. #5
    No, sorry, I forgot USA use "point" and not "comma", its 1.2, I'll edit that

    Well, I've been training for almost 8 years by now, I lost the count, but I cycled 6-7 times before already, using various kinds of test, stanozolol, oxandrolone, dianabol, insulin (only humalog), igf-1, turinabol, deca, eq and trenbolone.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2013
    No source checks
    Quote Originally Posted by Nematocyst View Post
    No, sorry, I forgot USA use "point" and not "comma", its 1.2, I'll edit that

    Well, I've been training for almost 8 years by now, I lost the count, but I cycled 6-7 times before already, using various kinds of test, stanozolol, oxandrolone, dianabol, insulin (only humalog), igf-1, turinabol, deca, eq and trenbolone.
    no worries man. you are much more experienced than I but I from what I am reading dropping 6% BF at the same weight would be a very difficult feat of progress, especially with you starting at 12% and wanting to drop to 6%. As for insulin I have no clue. But your cycle looks like you would put on some serious water and fat, not an ideal cut for me.

    I have to ask what are you looking to do? Just personal goals or competition?

  7. #7
    Yeah, I know will be difficult to do that, but I'll believe it's possible so I do my best trying to achieve, if not, not a problem, I developed that cycling plan to end the cutting phase with no less lean mass than I have know, and to not have to worry so much about lean mass loss in the cutting, because I'll have just earned some pounds of it... The focus is cutting, if I have to end this cycle with nothing more on lean mass no problem as long as I can get to ~6%, I think 8 weeks on tren while dieting hard can make it.

    Insulin don't put so much fat as people think, the first time I read so many times about it that I thought I was gonna gain like 10 pounds of fat..., some do because they do an overload with carbs every day in fear of going hypo and die..., but if you know to control and eat the necessary there is not a lot of fat gains, the last time I went from 11 to 12%, just ~1kg of fat, that you loose in one week out of insulin eating clean.

    My goal is to compete, even to get more competitive to achieve my own objectives, but if I'm gonna start competing I wanna win, so first I wanna get to 265-270lbs off season and than cutt to compete, if I can't get to that weight, it will be just for personal goals. Aside of that I need to work my weak spots, biceps and legs posterior, and that take some time, but who knows...

    Last edited by Nematocyst; 10-25-2013 at 06:17 AM.

  8. #8
    Someone know what to do regarding the insulin in my case? thanks

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Nematocyst
    Someone know what to do regarding the insulin in my case? thanks
    What are you asking about it? I don't want to read through all this

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