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Thread: Colmid and Nolva

  1. #1

    Colmid and Nolva

    Just wondering if anyone has any ill feelings towards these two dr*gs or if anyone uses an alternatives to these two dr*gs on a PCT?

    Reason i ask is i have been doing a bit of reading and there is one particular forum that is very anti them. Saying they are linked to things like Liver Toxicity, Liver Cancer, Testicular cancer and Fatty liver disease among other things. (There is articles posted to support some of the things they are saying but i assume i can't link them?)

    Now the thing is, this forum is also selling and promoting a rival product so obviously they have a reason to trash another product and promise the world with their own product but i am still weary of the things they are saying.

    So i guess i have just come over here for some other opinions / insight / thoughts.

    Ftr the product they recommend is called Res100. Not sure if anyone has heard of it and its possibly only an Australian sold product i'm not sure.
    I think i read here that the site sponsor (never noticed it, maybe because of add blocker or i'm just stupid) sells nolva and clomid so who knows i might get some bias on this end too. But i'd like to hear the thoughts of people here because it seems to be a very informative forum. Cheers.
    Last edited by NotTheSame; 11-16-2013 at 03:44 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Using Clomid and nolvadex is the tried and proven method. The things you are speaking of are probably from long term use in women. You are only going to be using them for a 4-6 week another product is torem for pct. do some research and post up your planned pct and we will look it over for you

  3. #3
    Thanx for the reply. Yeah i will post up a PCT when i decide on one i'm just trying to find out as much as possible before i make any decisions. Clomid and Nolva seem like the stock standard PCT but just wondering if there were any differing opinions on them.

    I searched Toremifene and found a thread on posted here by "Panzerfaust". Shame i can't post a link but he also talks about a lot of the same stuff in Nolva that i read and worried about elsewhere. Some of it is very off putting but like you said it seems to be in studies done on women.

    From what i gather you'd run torem with nolva anyway ( maybe i'm wrong here?)

    Another thing i wonder about is a lot of older threads i see people recommend running a AI with a SERM for PCT. That thought process seems to have changed but i'm just curious as to why it has changed?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    The only reason I would suggest using torem would be if you cannot tolerate the sides from the Clomid. A standard pct with Clomid and nolva would be my suggestion. Nolva 40/40/20/20 Clomid 100/50/50/50 the first week of Clomid can be lowered if the sides are to much

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by jim230027 View Post
    Using Clomid and nolvadex is the tried and proven method. The things you are speaking of are probably from long term use in women. You are only going to be using them for a 4-6 week another product is torem for pct. do some research and post up your planned pct and we will look it over for you
    Jim is dead on...most studies you'll read regarding sides of serms as well as AIs, were written in terms of its effects on women as the drug was primarily created for their use.

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