A 'BBing analogue' would look something like this:
Day 1: 4 x 2iu spread throughout the day.
Day 2: Nothing
Day 3: nothing
Day 4: 5 x 2iu spread
Day 5: Nothing
Day 6: 4 x 2 iu spread
Day 7: Nothing
Day 8: Nothing
Day 9: Nothing
Day 10: 6 x 2iu spread
Day 11: Nothing
Day 12: 5 x 2 iu spread
Day 13: Nothing
Day 14: 4 x 2iu
Day 15: Nothing
Day 16: Nothing
Day 17: 6 x 2 iu spread
Day 18: Nothing
Day 19: Nothing
Day 20: 5 x 2iu spread.
Day 21: nothing.
So this equals 78 iu in 3 weeks. The multiple daily injection protocol mimics the natural release, plus it should prevent the GH/IGF1 from creating insulin resistance, in those prone to it. Since insulin is part of the 'anabolic triangle' of AAS, GH and insulin, then becoming resistant to its effects would be a bad thing, just as it is in natural BBing.
The 2 days 'off' should minimise the edema experienced on GH, particularly in the feet and ankles.
But remember that to be truly effective, you need to be injecting intravenously. I have done it with no problems, but I won't recommend it because I don't want to be held accountable for some numbskull removing himself from the gene pool.
Even i.m. injects of GH won't have the bioavailability or near-instant spike of i.v.
And if you want to inject subQ, don't bother using my protocol. It's not designed for that.
SubQ is only really good for localised fatloss cycles. Personally I have never seen the localised fatloss effects, but instead get a wonderful degree of all-body fat mobilisation and muscle anti-catabolism, but no local fat loss.
To be honest though, I only use subQ shots these days, if I am on a caloried depleted day and need a steady fatty-acid mobilistation effect and anti-catabolic effect. If I'm going to the gym for a carb-depleted, early morning session, whether that be weights or cardio, then it's 2iu shot intramuscularly as my preference.