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Thread: BB'ing Approach To HGH

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    BB'ing Approach To HGH

    What do you all think of this protocol? I saw it on another board and was wondering what you all think of the iv injections? This is just for discussion not anything i am thinking about running.

    A 'BBing analogue' would look something like this:

    Day 1: 4 x 2iu spread throughout the day.
    Day 2: Nothing
    Day 3: nothing
    Day 4: 5 x 2iu spread
    Day 5: Nothing
    Day 6: 4 x 2 iu spread
    Day 7: Nothing
    Day 8: Nothing
    Day 9: Nothing
    Day 10: 6 x 2iu spread
    Day 11: Nothing
    Day 12: 5 x 2 iu spread
    Day 13: Nothing
    Day 14: 4 x 2iu
    Day 15: Nothing
    Day 16: Nothing
    Day 17: 6 x 2 iu spread
    Day 18: Nothing
    Day 19: Nothing
    Day 20: 5 x 2iu spread.
    Day 21: nothing.

    So this equals 78 iu in 3 weeks. The multiple daily injection protocol mimics the natural release, plus it should prevent the GH/IGF1 from creating insulin resistance, in those prone to it. Since insulin is part of the 'anabolic triangle' of AAS, GH and insulin, then becoming resistant to its effects would be a bad thing, just as it is in natural BBing.

    The 2 days 'off' should minimise the edema experienced on GH, particularly in the feet and ankles.

    But remember that to be truly effective, you need to be injecting intravenously. I have done it with no problems, but I won't recommend it because I don't want to be held accountable for some numbskull removing himself from the gene pool.

    Even i.m. injects of GH won't have the bioavailability or near-instant spike of i.v.

    And if you want to inject subQ, don't bother using my protocol. It's not designed for that.

    SubQ is only really good for localised fatloss cycles. Personally I have never seen the localised fatloss effects, but instead get a wonderful degree of all-body fat mobilisation and muscle anti-catabolism, but no local fat loss.

    To be honest though, I only use subQ shots these days, if I am on a caloried depleted day and need a steady fatty-acid mobilistation effect and anti-catabolic effect. If I'm going to the gym for a carb-depleted, early morning session, whether that be weights or cardio, then it's 2iu shot intramuscularly as my preference.

  2. #2
    Last edited by DPTUK; 12-15-2013 at 12:23 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    looks very expensive, are they talking chinese crap or FDA gh?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Pointless. When dealing with water based injectable solutions, the injection method makes very little difference, since it all absorbs extremely fast. Like it makes a difference whether your entire GH dose hits your liver in 10 seconds vs 1 minute?

  5. #5
    Last edited by DPTUK; 12-15-2013 at 12:22 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    I heard subQ takes a lot longer for the release --

    FYI: According to a friend of mine who is a bright boy and has spent considerable effort and time researching GH (by which I mean proper research, not just reading old BBing Vs GH info), when you inject subQ, 50% goes into the blood, and 50% goes into the lymphatic system. Of the 50% in the lymph, 95% eventually makes it into the blood.

    So subQ release is increadibly prolonged release, akin to a continuous i.v. infusion, which is essentially pointless for anything other than low dose 'fatloss' GH cycles.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    HGH via IM all the way. Straight into your muscle just like Testosterone.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2013
    I've done pharma tev-trop for four yrs. at least 10 months of every one of those yrs so I've done hgh about everyway you can other than iv. From 2ius a day to 10 ius a day depending on what was the goals. Sub q at anything over 6ius s day and the results are lean muscle mass that stays with you. 2 to 4 ius sub q and overall lean out. I also like im. 6 to 10 ius in whatever muscle group I work that day. so for me the delv. method always feels the same. Only the amounts of gh changing is noticed. Now I'm sure you would def get some blast from the iv hitting your bloodstream ( I've accidentally hit a vein with tes/deca/tren stack once and instant hot flash knocked me to my knees coughing slam) but I don't know that the results would be any better seeing sub q and im only take moments to hit blood stream anyway.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Glass Case of Emotion
    I actually don't think it's a bad setup, but I would never recommend IV unless someone has experience giving these shots. Plus not a big fan of walking around with track marks...makes you look like a junky!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by M302_Imola View Post
    I actually don't think it's a bad setup, but I would never recommend IV unless someone has experience giving these shots. Plus not a big fan of walking around with track marks...makes you look like a junky!
    Well, even if you somehow miss the vein, it just becomes a sub-Q shot.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Glass Case of Emotion
    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    Well, even if you somehow miss the vein, it just becomes a sub-Q shot.
    True, but as mentioned in the 1st post subq isn't the preferred method with this approach as you want the GH in and out of the system quickly. This would prevent systemic IGF-1 levels from being elevated for extended periods.

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