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Thread: New anti aging/TRT protocol

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    New anti aging/TRT protocol

    So ths would be more of a blast but here goes.
    Test en 150 mg's Mon and Thur
    Test prop 50 mg's Monday, Thur and Sat
    Anavar 25mgs ED
    Deca 125 mg's a week
    Of course I have AI and HCG
    This is all Dr prescribed thoughts for a 12 week run.
    Again currently on TRT. 6' 2 240 at 15% BF .


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by bringndaheat View Post
    So ths would be more of a blast but here goes.
    Test en 150 mg's Mon and Thur
    Test prop 50 mg's Monday, Thur and Sat
    Anavar 25mgs ED
    Deca 125 mg's a week
    Of course I have AI and HCG
    This is all Dr prescribed thoughts for a 12 week run.
    Again currently on TRT. 6' 2 240 at 15% BF .

    Yeah that's not a trt protocol at all. That's a full blown blast.

    Looks good though

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Back from Afghanistan
    Quote Originally Posted by bringndaheat View Post
    So ths would be more of a blast but here goes.
    Test en 150 mg's Mon and Thur
    Test prop 50 mg's Monday, Thur and Sat
    Anavar 25mgs ED
    Deca 125 mg's a week
    Of course I have AI and HCG
    This is all Dr prescribed thoughts for a 12 week run.
    Again currently on TRT. 6' 2 240 at 15% BF .

    I have NEVER heard of a doc mixing test esthers in a TRT/anti aging protocol. there is absolutely no need for multiple esthers.

    doctor prescribed does not mean proscribed by the anti aging community. In fact, one test to see if it is a good trt protocol is it's sustainability. There is nothing sustainable about your protocol. Orals? How is var sustainable when, even though a low-ish dose, how is that sustainable over the years?

    You may need to get a second opinion on your TRT/anti aging protocol. Your doc is too liberal with the pen, imho.


  4. #4
    Sure wish I could get some doctor prescribed Anavar.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Roman, as for different esters being prescribed by Docs I would have to disagree. The body produces different amounts of test at different times. So using different Esters actually mimicks the human body. Since I've switched from cyp to Test E and prop I feel much bettter and much less bloat. Not to mention better E2 numbers. Of course you have to pin more but I enjoy tht part. I will agree tht my Dr is very proactive. I was truly wondering thoughts on running only 25mgs of Anavar. He said since it's the real deal I should experience very good results. Of course the Var is very pricey!


  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Back from Afghanistan
    We'll have to agree to disagree then. My perspective is that when you call it "TRT", there are certain implications one should consider. First, this is a "for the rest of your life" treatment. You have to think long term. Prop is excellent for accelerating the blood saturation process, but beyond the length of time it takes for a longer burning esther like C or E to reach it's target, then the fast burning esthers don't make sense. Second, the overall idea is to maintain steady blood serum levels. This is what makes the esther Nebido so attractive for those on TRT. It maintains a stable blood serum level for up to two months.

    This argument only holds as long as we are talking about long term TRT protocols.

    ...unless your doctor is thinking that there are other benefits, such as those found in the gym? But then there are those damn sides we all know about with long term high dose useage in the same range as your protocol prescribes.

    Quote Originally Posted by bringndaheat View Post
    Roman, as for different esters being prescribed by Docs I would have to disagree. The body produces different amounts of test at different times. So using different Esters actually mimicks the human body. Since I've switched from cyp to Test E and prop I feel much bettter and much less bloat. Not to mention better E2 numbers. Of course you have to pin more but I enjoy tht part. I will agree tht my Dr is very proactive. I was truly wondering thoughts on running only 25mgs of Anavar. He said since it's the real deal I should experience very good results. Of course the Var is very pricey!


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Times all very valid points. Thank you for the input.

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