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100mg 1x a week subq with 29 gauge 1 cc needles.
I'd suggest splitting it in half and injecting every 3-4 days. It will lessen the need for an AI and provide more stable serum T levels.
HCG 500IU 2x a week (but I may lower the dose, but my doctor prescribed this)
No need for that much. 250 x 2 is fine.
Arimedex .5 MG 2x a week (again, seems like a high dose)
It is a high dose. What's your E2 level? Consider a 500mg test cycle, the avg adex dose is .25 EOD. Do the math. You're doing more.
My doctor thinks subQ is much better, and easier, and blood work comes back similar for IM and subQ
SQ is effective and easier for some: Subcutaneous administration of testosterone. A p... [Saudi Med J. 2006] - PubMed - NCBI
But I noticed that on the bottle of cypionate, it says for IM use only.
Just standard labeling...