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Thread: getting ready for my next cycle....need advise, comments and criticism.

  1. #1

    getting ready for my next cycle....need advise, comments and criticism.

    ok ive done cycles before in the past, but lets say i found out i was doing things all wrong.
    first off im 28 years old, 5'6" 175lbs 18-20% body fat been working out usually 6 months on and then i get lazy for about two months before i jump back into it.

    cycle 1
    400mg test-E a week for 12 weeks

    cycle 2
    400mg test-E a week for 12 weeks
    250mg deca a week for 12 weeks

    cycle 3
    400mg test-E a week for 12 weeks
    250mg deca a week for 12 weeks
    35mg D-bol ED

    cycle 1 was amazing imo. probly beacuse it was my first one ever.
    cycle 2 was even better, a lil acne poped up on this one and got worst 1 week after my last inj.
    cycle 3 was awesome but i totally broke out in acne about 1.5 weeks after my last inj.

    no pct on cycle 1 or 2. i know "Stupid stupid stupid"
    and on cycle 3 i had 20mg of novadex eod two weeks after my last pin.

    my diet was ehhh for lack of better words, horrible. on cycle 1 and 2. but on my 3rd cycle i ate mostly brown rice and chicken and lots of veggies. ate at least 6 times a day, and kept that routine for about 10 weeks then i started to tapper off a bit.

    well now i want some advice on my future cycle.

    Cycle Length: 12 weeks

    Weeks 1-4 D-Bol 50mg per day
    Weeks 1-12 500mg Test Enanth per week
    Weeks 1-12 300mg Deca per week
    Weeks 1-12 Arimidex .5 mg per day

    Weeks 13-14 Clomid 50mg + Nolvadex 20mg
    Week 15 "if needed" Nolvadex 20mg

    what do you all think? im ready questions, comments, concerns, critics, advise, hints, tips, anything thats gonna help make this smoother.

    thanks in advance guys
    Last edited by nickstadx; 04-15-2014 at 11:15 PM.

  2. #2

    Your body fat is too high, your body weight is too low and you said it yourself that your training is inconsistent at best.

    Your PCT is far from complete.

    Train hard for a year and try again bro

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Ok, I am far from an expert but here is my opinion on your current plans.

    You need to get your diet under control 18-20% bf is too high, you'd be best to wait and get yourself sub 16% before cycling.
    If your training on and off, that would worry me, training and diet need to be in place and fully implemented before cycling.
    It strikes me that you would do better to reduce the number of compounds. If your diet and training were spot on, you'd get better results than taking extra compounds to make up for shortfalls in you training and diet.
    I don't see HCG on your plan
    PCT should be 4 weeks and the dose of Nolv and Clom look low to me.
    Assuming you are bulking, you should keep calories high during PCT to maintain muscle gains.

    Would recommend :
    include HCG
    remove D-Bol and Deca. And get your nutrition and training to a higher standard and consistency.
    reduce bf to sub 16%
    Resolve PCT time and Nolv/Clomid doses.

    Just my 0.2c

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