I've been a totaly yo-yo with things this past year. I gained a fair amount of weight over the past 2 years but then because of personal and professional reasons I tried to lose a lot of the muscle I had gained. I was somewhat successful with it but I'm not happy in how I look so I want to start getting about 50% of the muscle I lost back.
My stats:
38 years old
On TRT at 200mg/week Test C- 1.5 years
5'8" 185lbs 12% bf
Cycle History:
1st cycle 4 years ago. 500mg/Test C week PCT Nolva/Clomid
2nd cycle last year: 600mg/week Test Prop + 80mg/Anavar per day (was really underdosed) PCT not needed
3rd cycle last year: Test E 600mg/week shot twice and Tren Ace 100 EOD
Since I'm not looking for huge results I'm thinking of just running 500mg/Test C per week. Will this be too weak though since I'm already taking 200mg/week? I'm looking to gain around 5lbs. of lean muscle with this simple cycle but not sure if I will really see anything? May add Anavar for 5-6 weeks but haven't decided yet. Hoping to bump things up a bit in the gym and to lean out for summer.
Thanks in advance.