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Thread: Going to start 4th cycle. Keeping things simple this time

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Going to start 4th cycle. Keeping things simple this time

    I've been a totaly yo-yo with things this past year. I gained a fair amount of weight over the past 2 years but then because of personal and professional reasons I tried to lose a lot of the muscle I had gained. I was somewhat successful with it but I'm not happy in how I look so I want to start getting about 50% of the muscle I lost back.

    My stats:
    38 years old
    On TRT at 200mg/week Test C- 1.5 years
    5'8" 185lbs 12% bf
    Cycle History:
    1st cycle 4 years ago. 500mg/Test C week PCT Nolva/Clomid
    2nd cycle last year: 600mg/week Test Prop + 80mg/Anavar per day (was really underdosed) PCT not needed
    3rd cycle last year: Test E 600mg/week shot twice and Tren Ace 100 EOD

    Since I'm not looking for huge results I'm thinking of just running 500mg/Test C per week. Will this be too weak though since I'm already taking 200mg/week? I'm looking to gain around 5lbs. of lean muscle with this simple cycle but not sure if I will really see anything? May add Anavar for 5-6 weeks but haven't decided yet. Hoping to bump things up a bit in the gym and to lean out for summer.

    Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    I'm on TRT also at 200mg/wk. I just bump my Test Cyp to 500mg for 14 weeks and I make gains. Eat clean and you can get cut and gain muscles. Make sure you have AI on hand. You might also get some acne so be ready with some acne soap.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    The cool thing about TRT is that I've saved up quite a bit of my pharm grade stuff so no worries that it's under-dosed or anything. Since my last cycle which was about 3.5 months ago (ended before X-Mas) I've been having acne issues which I can't seem to control. I took Accutane years and years ago which has always worked on cycle and with TRT but I can't seem to get things under control since the last cycle. Not sure if the Tren messed things up for me.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    500mg should help you accomplish your goal. If after 6 weeks you have not noticed any improvement bump up to 750mg per week and should help you get to where you want to go, IMHO

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