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Thread: Donald Sterling will be suspended for life and fined $2.5 mil

  1. #1
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    Donald Sterling will be suspended for life and fined $2.5 mil

    Who thinks that the media and the NBA has blown this way out of proportion? I don't really care about the NBA at all, I am just shocked that this is the main headline. Here is an 80 year old self made man that expressed his own opinion in private with his 31 year old girl toy. I think people should be able to express what they believe even if other disagree with it. And I listed to what was said and I don't think it was "racist" as the media has put it out to be.

    This all seems to go to a legal case in which has its roots in a legal battle between his female friend, Stiviano, and his wife, Rochelle Sterling.

  2. #2
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    Price of living in a PC world.

  3. #3
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    I listen to a very minimal amount of rap music and I hear more racial slurs in 6 minutes than I do in a 12 months around people I know. And I know some people that are not PC at all.

  4. #4
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    The man's a bigot, which he's entitled to be if he chooses. But, we now live in a time where the "thought police" are alive and well and enforcement via the media and public pressure is a very effective tool.
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  5. #5
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    I am mixed on it. I stereo type all religions, races, ethnicities (including my own) because most of the time its usually on the money. However this is not the south during the slave years and he does not own a plantation. His employees from his arena staff to the players are mostly black. These people make him millions of dollars and now know they are viewed as his modern day slaves? He is not an average joe he is a man in a position of power and therefore should be held accountable for his actions. The ban can be lifetime but the fine exceeds the NBA constitution agreement. From what I have read he also cannot be forced to sell the team.

    Politics plays a big part in this. The new commissioner Adam Silver (who is a very nice guy that I got to meet and hang out with at a Knicks game) is trying to make a positive name for himself. The previous commish was hated and he was considered to be his lackey and this gave him a chance to separate himself from David Stern. Sterling always went unpunished by Stern so this issue is setting the tone for his future.

    IMO This has nothing to do with the media. The players said if he does not get a lifetime ban and the NBA does not force the sale of his team they would stop playing immediately. I dont know what its like to be enslaved so I dont know what its like to feel the way they do. However I would be most of them made racist remarks back towards white people. An ex black player has already came out and said players should start their own black league only. He is just a player and not a man of power so he can think what he wants

    The day racism stops is when everyone is the same color. Unfortunately thats just the reality of it

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigTahl View Post
    I listen to a very minimal amount of rap music and I hear more racial slurs in 6 minutes than I do in a 12 months around people I know. And I know some people that are not PC at all.
    I mean seriously what does this have to do with anything lol

  7. #7
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rwy View Post

    IMO This has nothing to do with the media. The players said if he does not get a lifetime ban and the NBA does not force the sale of his team they would stop playing immediately. I dont know what its like to be enslaved so I dont know what its like to feel the way they do. However I would be most of them made racist remarks back towards white people. An ex black player has already came out and said players should start their own black league only. He is just a player and not a man of power so he can think what he wants
    I think it has a ton to do with the media. The media influences society greatly, especially since the inception of 24hr news channels. How big of a problem would it be if there was no media? Media can take the rumor of a problem and turn it into a problem. Trust me, I'm not defending this bigot but our new PC society can often times get out of hand. Not saying that's the case here at all as the guys an idiot.

    Lets also remember that all the players are multi millionaires as well. Of course, not worth a billion dollars like Sterling but still, very, very rich. Rwy the slavery reference is a bit out of context, imho. No one alive today knows what it's like to be a slave. Especially millionaire athletes who live lifestyles that are beyond our dreams.

    When it comes to accountability everyone should be held to that standard. How much money a person makes should not make any difference. If it did, wouldn't that constitute discrimination?
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  8. #8
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    He hurt the brand. Like any top executive, he got the boot. The NBA is bigger than one man. Plenty of other people with money who will come in and help the league and its now 29 owners.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    I think it has a ton to do with the media. The media influences society greatly, especially since the inception of 24hr news channels. How big of a problem would it be if there was no media? Media can take the rumor of a problem and turn it into a problem. Trust me, I'm not defending this bigot but our new PC society can often times get out of hand. Not saying that's the case here at all as the guys an idiot.

    Lets also remember that all the players are multi millionaires as well. Of course, not worth a billion dollars like Sterling but still, very, very rich. Rwy the slavery reference is a bit out of context, imho. No one alive today knows what it's like to be a slave. Especially millionaire athletes who live lifestyles that are beyond our dreams.

    When it comes to accountability everyone should be held to that standard. How much money a person makes should not make any difference. If it did, wouldn't that constitute discrimination?
    This is a very good point. I don't know its hard for me to judge as I have never been judged before based on my color. They def still are. I just dont see how the media is forcing this punishment if the players are saying they refuse to play if he is an owner. I understand what the media does and how it affects the mindless I guess I just have a tough time seeing it here. Not everyone is equal in todays society and not everyone is judge to the same standard.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rwy View Post
    I mean seriously what does this have to do with anything lol
    They say he was being racist, the N word is racist as is much of what the content of rap music, IMO. Sterling just did not want his girl toy to take a black man to the game and post it on the internet. She is half black so he does not have a problem with race. He just has a problem with the social stigma of having his young girl toy out with black men in public and posting on the internet. I think this is more his age and up bringing than being racist/bigot.

    If you ask my grandmother, if she were alive, she would say it is inappropriate for any single woman to be seen with a man out in public without a chaperone. Not saying its right or wrong, just a different generation.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigTahl View Post
    They say he was being racist, the N word is racist as is much of what the content of rap music, IMO. Sterling just did not want his girl toy to take a black man to the game and post it on the internet. She is half black so he does not have a problem with race. He just has a problem with the social stigma of having his young girl toy out with black men in public and posting on the internet. I think this is more his age and up bringing than being racist/bigot.

    If you ask my grandmother, if she were alive, she would say it is inappropriate for any single woman to be seen with a man out in public without a chaperone. Not saying its right or wrong, just a different generation.
    I think Sterling has called his players the n word in the past. This is not his first racial run in. My grandparents were off boat irish and off boat italian. They were not a fan of blacks. I know its an age generation thing. I also think Sterling is out of his mind. His hate has festered for many years and he is just out there now

  12. #12
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    Will everyone who makes a racial slur now be banned from their profession and fined millions?

  13. #13
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    They may try!

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rusty11 View Post
    Will everyone who makes a racial slur now be banned from their profession and fined millions?
    It's a rule now.

  15. #15
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    Let me sum it all up for everyone here. Pay me 10 million a year and you can call me anything you want anytime you want. Bunch of cry baby over paid biatches. IMO

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shol'va View Post
    Let me sum it all up for everyone here. Pay me 10 million a year and you can call me anything you want anytime you want. Bunch of cry baby over paid biatches. IMO
    Damn, I got all the way to the end of this thread and was going to post what you just did. Beat me to it.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rwy View Post
    The day racism stops is when everyone is the same color. Unfortunately thats just the reality of it
    And we are headed that direction. More people are mixed with several races these days and it will continue to grow.

    Race doesn't bother me. There are stupid people everywhere.

  18. #18
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    I think Sterling here should sue the NBA over this.

    The guy is most likely a bigot. And believe it or not, we all have the right to be bigots if we so choose to be. All that does is makes us scumbags. But this guy was privately voicing his opinion about an issue. He was not going on national TV and shouting the 'N' word as loud as he can.

    As far as his players turning their shirts inside out, he ought to fire each one of them for doing that. I may think my boss is a total jackass, but I'm not going to tell our company's customers that he is one. That's so unprofessional. If any of us made a statement like that to customers at our places of business, we'd be fired on the spot with no severance packages. These guys are getting paid a hell of a lot more money than we will ever see. You'd expect a higher level of professionalism out of them.

  19. #19
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    I keep having to ask the same question, what did he do to deserve this?

    I know what he said but what did he do? Did he hurt/kill anyone? Did he plan on it? Did he withhold payment to anyone?

    So he is guilty of saying words that are no longer PC although in his era were used frequently and still are considered acceptable depending on race.

    He is Jewish decent and 80 I will bet he has been through a fare share of racist discrimination in his day. No that does not make what he said OK but does not (IMO) deserve any of this and especially not any legal intervention.

    It's starting to sound a lot more like minority report where you are not guilty for what you is perceived you are thinking, not based on what you actually do.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong View Post
    I think Sterling here should sue the NBA over this.

    The guy is most likely a bigot. And believe it or not, we all have the right to be bigots if we so choose to be. All that does is makes us scumbags. But this guy was privately voicing his opinion about an issue. He was not going on national TV and shouting the 'N' word as loud as he can.

    As far as his players turning their shirts inside out, he ought to fire each one of them for doing that. I may think my boss is a total jackass, but I'm not going to tell our company's customers that he is one. That's so unprofessional. If any of us made a statement like that to customers at our places of business, we'd be fired on the spot with no severance packages. These guys are getting paid a hell of a lot more money than we will ever see. You'd expect a higher level of professionalism out of them.
    Apparently not. We use to be but it appears that is no longer the case if they go through with this. It is the trickle down effect and it wont be long before we all are help accountable for what we say or think even in private.

  21. #21
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    Yeah let's not forget, this was a conversation that contended in private. He didn't go on tv or Internet about it. He was talking to his play toy.

  22. #22
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    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  23. #23
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    I finally found a picture of the NBA Commissioner Adam Silver, the one who fined Donald Sterling.

  24. #24
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    I bet he wishes he didn't pay all that money to sleep with that girlfriend, I mean glorified whore, now.

    What I can't imagine is why would that lady release these tapes? Obviously he isn't going to spoil her with riches now, right?

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shol'va View Post
    I finally found a picture of the NBA Commissioner Adam Silver, the one who fined Donald Sterling.
    Yeah, like stated, Silver is looking for acceptance through the league. This was a PERFECT opportunity for him. I bet as soon as he heard the news he was like a giddy little girl.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dante Diamond View Post
    I bet he wishes he didn't pay all that money to sleep with that girlfriend, I mean glorified whore, now.

    What I can't imagine is why would that lady release these tapes? Obviously he isn't going to spoil her with riches now, right?

    She is a ****ing wack job but maybe she and the wife put this together to screw him. Either way I dont see him being forced to sell the team. This could get very interesting as I am sure there are plenty of high ranking politicians that receive money from sterling. I wonder who comes to his aid but most likely he is on his own.

  27. #27
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    What's going to be interesting is if they pursue any wiretap violations for recording the conversations without his knowledge, if that's the case here.
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  29. #29
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    Kel, I know in my state only 1 party involved had to know the conversation is being recorded. The other party does not have to be told.

    I'm not sure where this happened

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by hawk14dl View Post
    Kel, I know in my state only 1 party involved had to know the conversation is being recorded. The other party does not have to be told.

    I'm not sure where this happened
    Probably Cali

  31. #31
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    Its kind of ironic that because this is white on black its totally blow up but this is black on black and its going under the radar

    After Fan With A Disability Was Bullied By Shaq, He Reminded Us All To 'Hug, Don't Judge' (UPDATED)

    Shaq humiliates (i chuckled) this guys disability over the internet

  32. #32
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    Is he a racist bigot...sounds like it..but the problem that I see is he was in private with his girlfriend having a calm discussion regarding his wishes and beliefs. We all should be safe from being prosecuted for the things we say in private to our mates. I know this is not the case but it is crazy that it has gotten to this point where you cannot confide in your mate in the privacy of your own home/hotel room without being worried that you will be condemned for it. I am not talking about plots to murder someone or things like that. But there are many things that I tell my wife that are meant for her and my ears only in the bond of marriage I expect and trust that it stays that way.
    The ironic part of it is, which I brought up in a thread the other day...once again...A white man makes a comment that is racially "incorrect" and the world freaks out...meanwhile influential blacks all over the nation are posting explicit hateful slurs towards whites and its ok because they are mad & offended....two wrongs don't make a right...anyways I think that it is unfortunate that he feels that way about the men that work so hard to make him millions every year. But I do not feel that it should be public issue since this was obviously a ploy for money/blackmail or publicity made by his girlfriend. Either way the damage is done so there is no way to stop the judgment train now. Crazy how a few words can create such chaos and upheaval.

  33. #33
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    Yeah but even though it is public, like I stated earlier too that if my boss paid me millions every year he could call me a homo hillbilly pie faced pig fvcker. Just keep sending me those millions every year..

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shol'va View Post
    Yeah but even though it is public, like I stated earlier too that if my boss paid me millions every year he could call me a homo hillbilly pie faced pig fvcker. Just keep sending me those millions every year..

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sicko View Post
    Is he a racist bigot...sounds like it..but the problem that I see is he was in private with his girlfriend having a calm discussion regarding his wishes and beliefs. We all should be safe from being prosecuted for the things we say in private to our mates. I know this is not the case but it is crazy that it has gotten to this point where you cannot confide in your mate in the privacy of your own home/hotel room without being worried that you will be condemned for it. I am not talking about plots to murder someone or things like that. But there are many things that I tell my wife that are meant for her and my ears only in the bond of marriage I expect and trust that it stays that way.
    The ironic part of it is, which I brought up in a thread the other day...once again...A white man makes a comment that is racially "incorrect" and the world freaks out...meanwhile influential blacks all over the nation are posting explicit hateful slurs towards whites and its ok because they are mad & offended....two wrongs don't make a right...anyways I think that it is unfortunate that he feels that way about the men that work so hard to make him millions every year. But I do not feel that it should be public issue since this was obviously a ploy for money/blackmail or publicity made by his girlfriend. Either way the damage is done so there is no way to stop the judgment train now. Crazy how a few words can create such chaos and upheaval.


    I still think hes an ass though...

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shol'va View Post
    Yeah but even though it is public, like I stated earlier too that if my boss paid me millions every year he could call me a homo hillbilly pie faced pig fvcker. Just keep sending me those millions every year..
    That's what I was thinking also.

  37. #37
    Quote Originally Posted by Shol'va View Post
    Yeah but even though it is public, like I stated earlier too that if my boss paid me millions every year he could call me a homo hillbilly pie faced pig fvcker. Just keep sending me those millions every year..

    Having experienced discrimination/racism at work, school, and in general I can say that I would personally not take the money.

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Docd187123 View Post


    Having experienced discrimination/racism at work, school, and in general I can say that I would personally not take the money.
    Really? That's a lot of money. So did you refuse your paycheck and quit?
    Last edited by lovbyts; 04-30-2014 at 02:36 PM.

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by Docd187123 View Post

    Having experienced discrimination/racism at work, school, and in general I can say that I would personally not take the money.
    Quote Originally Posted by Shol'va View Post
    Yeah but even though it is public, like I stated earlier too that if my boss paid me millions every year he could call me a homo hillbilly pie faced pig fvcker. Just keep sending me those millions every year..

    IMO most of the time all discrimination suits are about money anyways...
    The only thing that I would not do for the right amount of money is hurt my family or denounce my God.
    Friends come and go...opinions and values change as time changes.
    words ultimately mean nothing in all reality. It is just a matter of pride... I have had that beat out of me for free so I would gladly take millions to be called names or even slandered.

  40. #40
    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Really? That's a lot of money. So did you refuse your paycheck and quit?
    Money's only value is what you place on it. Not saying I couldn't use more of it lol, but being disrespected constantly and daily isn't worth money to me no.

    I didn't refuse my paycheck bc I worked my ass off for it but yes, I ended up quitting once I exhausted my other open avenues and saw no change. In school, I was arrested and expelled (later rescinded to a suspension) for punching the vice-principal. That was before I learned how to get even without resorting to physical means.

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