I figured this thread would be the way to go posting. first question is on HGRP-2 cycle +CJC1295 w/o DAC. I know GHRP is run 100mcg 3x per day, is the ghrh run the same? if so is it ok to mix both in the same syrynge for a subq injection? I plan on running these over the winter with a clean bulk of about 4500-5000 cals/day along with a new "overreaching" training program that came out as a result of a study done with hmb. How good are cycle results with this? when i say clean bulk i mean i want to gain muscle without putting on alot of fat, hence the GHRP/GHRH.
Next question is as i was researching these peptides i came across human myostatin propeptide. Now we all know myostatin inhibits muscle growth, however i wasnt aware there was a peptide in production to reduce myostatin yet. anybody use it or know anything about it?