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Thread: GHRP-6 5MGS Mixing Broscience

  1. #1

    Wink GHRP-6 5MGS Mixing Broscience

    Got my first set of gear yesterday in the mail. I was having trouble mixing it because I'm an idiot and didn't understand the negative/positive pressure when mixing with BAC water.

    Anyway, I got 3.25ml of BAC water into 5MGS of GHRP-6.

    I have .5cc syringes. 50 units each, 50 units = 1/2 ml

    So 750 mcg = 50 units(.5cc syringe)
    If I were wanting to do 150 mcg = 10 units
    if I were wanting to do 75 mcg = 5 units

    Is this right?

  2. #2

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Back from Afghanistan
    can you show us your calculation on the math?

  4. #4
    5.00ml : 5 mgs = 1000 mcg / 1 cc
    3.25ml : 5 mgs = 1,500 mcg / 1 cc

    3.25ml : 5mgs = 750 mcg / .5 cc

    750 mcg / 10 = 75 mcg : 5 units

  5. #5
    If I'm wrong maybe you pros could do it in a second.

    I added 3.25 ml of BAC water to 5mgs of GHRP-6

  6. #6
    So no one that has skimmed over the thread was able to help?

  7. #7
    bump, might as well go with my math as from what my room mate says its right

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Your math is correct

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Back from Afghanistan
    personally, if I have 5mg in the vial, I will add 2.5ml of fluid to keep the math real simple and the same with the measurements

    if it is 2mg, then i'll add 2ml

    if you want consistency, then you want your dose to be right on the tic mark, as opposed to somewhere in the middle

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