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Thread: First Time Sustanon Questions

  1. #1

    First Time Sustanon Questions

    A friend of a puppy is 37 years old.
    165lbs 5'9 athletic build, low body fat, works out daily.

    A friend of a mouse Puchased PATYR Pharmaceuticals Testanon 250 in a 10ml bottle (2 bottles)
    The bottle is about the size of a soda bottle cap in diameter and two inches tall.
    Flag of the Netherlands on the label.

    The breakdown is as follows:

    100mg of testosterone decanoate
    60mg of testosterone isocaproate
    60mg of testosterone phenylpropionate
    30mg of testosterone propionate
    2% benzyl benzoate
    0.9% benzyl alcohol
    Cottonseed oil

    A friend of a horse was instructed to inject 1 cc in the deltoid twice a week for 5 weeks.


    Should my friend inject smaller doses every other day, for example 1/2 cc.
    Should my friend slowly taper up then taper down.
    What dosage would you recommend for my friend, for example is 1cc adequate.

    What post cycle therapy would you recommend for my friend.
    How long should my friend continue this cycle for ? 5 weeks, 8 weeks, 11 weeks?

    How should my friend stop his cycle, and what should my friend take to boost his natural test levels back up?
    What are the side effects of this product, and things my friend should look out for?
    Last edited by paradise; 07-06-2014 at 11:12 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    When using a multi-ester product such as sustanon, always inject according to the half life of the fastest acting ester to keep blood levels stable. Every time I've done sustanon, I've shot every second day. Longest I would go is every third. This is due to propionate having roughly a two day half life.

    For PCT, I recommend aromasin, clomid, and nolva.
    Aromasin at 25mg every second day
    Clomid 100/50/50/25
    Nolva 50/25/25/25

    Good luck!
    Last edited by btc89; 06-25-2014 at 09:01 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by paradise View Post
    A friend of a puppy is 37 years old.
    165lbs 5'9 athletic build, low body fat, works out daily.

    A friend of a mouse Puchased PATYR Pharmaceuticals Testanon 250 in a 10ml bottle (2 bottles)
    The bottle is about the size of a soda bottle cap in diameter and two inches tall.
    Flag of the Netherlands on the label.

    The breakdown is as follows:

    100mg of testosterone decanoate
    60mg of testosterone isocaproate
    60mg of testosterone phenylpropionate
    30mg of testosterone propionate
    2% benzyl benzoate
    0.9% benzyl alcohol
    Cottonseed oil

    A friend of a horse was instructed to inject 1 cc in the deltoid twice a week for 5 weeks.


    Should my friend inject smaller doses every other day, for example 1/2 cc. I would do .5cc EOD
    Should my friend slowly taper up then taper down. No
    What dosage would you recommend for my friend, for example is 1cc adequate. 2cc a week will be 500mg a wk

    What post cycle therapy would you recommend for my friend.Clomid@ 75,50,50,50 and Nolvadex @ 40,20,20,20
    How long should my friend continue this cycle for ? 5 weeks, 8 weeks, 11 weeks? 10 Weeks Or 12

    How should my friend stop his cycle, and what should my friend take to boost his natural test levels back up? Nothing but PCT will be the only thing that will help
    What are the side effects of this product, and things my friend should look out for? Shut down your natural test, High Blood Pressure, Acne, Bloat, Enlarged Prostate, Night Sweats... and much more

    My friend had the most amazing sex with this blonde yesterday, she's still smiling and bouncing around like a schoolgirl. This is going to be a great summer. My friend thinks girls like this stuff as much or even more than guys do lol.
    U need HCG 250ui x 2 week, and u need an AI (adex .25 starting point) Also tell your "friend" to grow some balls and make and account to get his questions answered.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by tice1212 View Post
    U need HCG 250ui x 2 week, and u need an AI (adex .25 starting point) Also tell your "friend" to grow some balls and make and account to get his questions answered.
    Advice is greatly appreciated, but chill on the attitude bro. No need to flame when he's only looking for help.

    I forgot to add as well, I normally cycle sustanon for twelve weeks and I never found the sides all that bad. Little injection soreness, risk of gyno, testicular atrophy and HPTA shutdown, as well as acne and a hotter temper.

    No need to taper off the cycle, just run it until it's out. As for tice saying you need hCG, not true. It can certainly help, but not entirely necessary.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by btc89 View Post

    Advice is greatly appreciated, but chill on the attitude bro. No need to flame when he's only looking for help.

    I forgot to add as well, I normally cycle sustanon for twelve weeks and I never found the sides all that bad. Little injection soreness, risk of gyno, testicular atrophy and HPTA shutdown, as well as acne and a hotter temper.

    No need to taper off the cycle, just run it until it's out. As for tice saying you need hCG, not true. It can certainly help, but not entirely necessary.

    i wasn't flaming him bro... I was telling him to tell his buddy to get an account.. The guy seems to have a sense of humor considering his post. "a friend of horse told him" jokes...

    And yes HCG would be in your best interest. HCG will help ur PCT a ton..

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by tice1212 View Post
    i wasn't flaming him bro... I was telling him to tell his buddy to get an account.. The guy seems to have a sense of humor considering his post. "a friend of horse told him" jokes...

    And yes HCG would be in your best interest. HCG will help ur PCT a ton..
    I apologize, I took what you said the wrong way. HCG is effing amazing, I couldn't agree more, but it's not detrimental if you don't run it.

    Lots of people use that " a friend of a friend", " friend of a horse" etc etc in fear of someone tracking the post back to them and busting them for usage. They can claim it was for a friend, not themselves and hopefully stay out of trouble. Silly, I know, but some people are very cautious =]

  7. #7
    Your IP is so easy to track haha. Some people have no knowledge on how easy it is for law enforcement to bust you via your computer activity for possession / possession for the purpose of trafficing if you're holding or worse ... selling lol.

    Aromasin at 25mg every second day
    Clomid 100/50/50/25
    Nolva 50/25/25/25

    Can you please explain how a friend of a friend would take clomid and nolva. Is it necessary to take all 3. Thx in advance.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    A rock & a hard place
    Quote Originally Posted by paradise View Post
    Your IP is so easy to track haha. Some people have no knowledge on how easy it is for law enforcement to bust you via your computer activity for possession / possession for the purpose of trafficing if you're holding or worse ... selling lol.

    Aromasin at 25mg every second day
    Clomid 100/50/50/25
    Nolva 50/25/25/25

    Can you please explain how a friend of a friend would take clomid and nolva. Is it necessary to take all 3. Thx in advance.
    We have members here who are in law enforcement and others in the past suspected of LE who set up accounts soliciting sources. It's an open forum. You never know who is sitting on the other side of the keyboard.

    The more tragic cases are the guys preying on new members looking for gear. Often the new members get ripped off/scammed or worse, they get contaminated gear that puts them in a hospital. Newbies are sometimes too naive and too anxious to jump right in.

  9. #9

  10. #10
    The amount of short ester is much smaller than the longer esters. You can inject twice a week and you'll be fine. There are two reasons I don't do multi-ester combos. 1) It's tough to sync the shots match the short/medium/longer esters. 2) the combos hurts like heck when I pin. The smoothest cycle for me is a Test Cyp cycle for 14 weeks.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Asia but not Asian.
    Sustanon is not a cycle friendly drug due to decanote. Sell your stuff to the friend of a horse and buy real cycle gear like Test P, Test C or Test E. The level of decanote you will have after a month will take 7 half lives to get to levels that are PCTable. Calculate that out and see what you think.

    Mixes are not PCT friendly.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    I have done one cycle of sustanon amps last year. Had great results on 500mg/week. Issue is now my regular source is moved away
    I need another reliable method of getting it. Someone please PM me with where to order that is trustworthy. I am having trouble trusting the sites that ask for western union . thanks

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