Im thinking of getting into a meet in october or november(or both).
However it would be my first meet prep.
I want to enter in under 181pounds
I can drop to that and maintain performance during that time frame no problem...
However... I was thinking to slowly recomp with 500mg test and deca/ weeks with some dbol/drol from time to time until the meet.
Im about 185lbs 14% right now. So I have room to grow and lose fat while being under 181.
My biggest worry is to dont make the weight...
Im newb as hell about meet prep and how to fit aas into
Heres what I thought:
500mg test and deca until 4 weeks out.
Drop everything switching for prop 200mg and tren-a at 525mg/weeks.
Last 2 weeks adding anavar at 70-80mg/day.
After the weight in, anadrol + tren/test(no ester).
How would you do it??