Hey everybody! I'm 22 years old, 215 pounds. I've mostly been doing bodyweight stuff this summer. I've naturally gotten to 225 lbs before with a lifting program, so I really want to see how far I can push the envelope. I've worked out my entire life. Though I'm not a noob, I'm relatively new to this field (I have only cycled once). I just really want to get things going again. I've had two debilitating injuries that have really hindered me these last two years.
First and foremost, I recognize last time I cycled I was really stupid and probably somewhat lucky. I thought my friend gave me a test-booster, but in actuality, for 4 weeks I was taking 50 mg of oral Trenevar as a stand alone. When I figured out what it was from looking at the 17-dione ingredient on the back, I stopped cold. Didn't get any adverse side effects either. I want to do things correctly this time. I got great gains last time, I feel like the sky is the limit this time around.
1. If all you had at your disposal was trenevar acetate/trendione, how many weeks, as a estimate, would you cycle it as a stand-alone? 4-6? 8?? If you do not recommend me cycling this way, would it be better if I were to take Aromasin/Arimidex, or HCG, or both, during cycle, then continuing to take Aromasin/Arimidex for my PCT? I ask this because I have no idea where I could find Dianabol to stack with the tren.
2.How would you pyramid up the dosage of tren? Before I only took 50 mg a day, sometimes EOD, if I pyramid up with some intelligence, I bet I could see even more results. (From all my research, 100 mg is definitely enough for this powerful compound, but I've seen some guys dwarf that)!
3. I'd like to take Activate and Dymatize Z-force toward the end of my cycle and during PCT with the Aromasin/Arimidex. I'd also like to avoid Clomid and Nolvadex completely.
4. Also included in my on cycle supplements will be Hawthorne Berry, milk thistle, fish oil, saw palmetto, and fenugreek, would you add anything else?
And last but not least:
5. Based on my situation, does it still not matter whether I choose Ultra Hot, Giant ATD, or Rebound XT for my ATI?