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Thread: CJC1295 & GHRP-6 causing headache?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2014

    CJC1295 & GHRP-6 causing headache?

    About me.
    56 y.o. 5'10" 230 with probably 30 to 35% BF.
    TRT at 180mg weekly.

    Picked up some CJC1295 & GHRP-6 to drop some fat. Found it in 2mg each in the same bottle. Reconstituted with 2ml BAC water and pinned .6 IU then did my cardio. Noticed a little flushing in the face and mild discomfort but no big deal.
    Thought that since .6 IU didn't really cause any problems I would move up to 1 IU (100mcg of each). Pinned it just before bed. Same flushing in the face but soon felt a headache. After tossing and turning I noticed my heart was pounding. I took my pressure. 127/73. Not bad. Laid back down, headache got worse and slept badly, tossing and turning. Next day I felt bad when I woke. Not sure if it was lack of sleep or after effects.

    I again pinned .6 IU just before cardio, thinking 1.0 was too much, had my cardio work out and all was fine. I felt the flushing but much more mild and actually felt better than usual after the workout. That night I pinned .6 IU before bed and same deal. Soon developed a headache and felt like crap. Just woke about an hour ago. Feeling bad, no energy, neck stiff, head hurts and bad mood.

    Is this to be expected? I've read many posts about CJC1295 & GHRP-6 and did not read one mention of headache or inability to sleep. In fact I read it helps you sleep.

    What am I doing wrong?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    Stupid question. Drinking enough water? Just asking cause that's how I feel if I don't.

  3. #3
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    Nov 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Johnz4 View Post
    Stupid question. Drinking enough water? Just asking cause that's how I feel if I don't.
    Distinct possibility. I always drink less when the weather turns colder. I will make an effort to drink enough today and see what's going on.


  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Johnz4 View Post
    Stupid question. Drinking enough water? Just asking cause that's how I feel if I don't.
    Why's it a stupid question?

  5. #5
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    Boston, MA
    I run these at 100mcg cjc-1295 w/o dac and 200mcg ghrp-6 three times daily and have not experienced any headaches. I have been running them for 7-8 weeks now. I have been tending to sleep quite soundly, more so than prior to starting these peps. I would say I am experiencing the opposite of what you report - feeling great and definitely leaning out (could just be nutrition and training). I do however experience some pretty intense pins and needles/numbness in random fingers or limbs when I wake up or when sitting at my desk for too long. I also experience intense hunger pangs for 15-30 minutes following my dose.

    I have been thinking about adding frag gh to my gh peptide stack but I am wondering if that is overboard haha

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khazima
    Why's it a stupid question?
    I don't know. Lol. I always catch myself not drinking then I feel like crap.

  7. #7
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    Nov 2014
    Something isn't right.
    Went to do my workout around 1pm, pinned .7 IU. After workout I felt real tired and wanting to sleep. Around 7pm I started watching a movie and noticed my heart was pounding again. Took my pressure at 167/83 with 101bpm! Now it's 9.30pm and still pounding.
    Got me worried now.
    Maybe this batch I got is bunk?

    Side Note: Water intake approximately one gallon.

  8. #8
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    Aug 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by NeverTooOld View Post
    Something isn't right.
    Went to do my workout around 1pm, pinned .7 IU. After workout I felt real tired and wanting to sleep. Around 7pm I started watching a movie and noticed my heart was pounding again. Took my pressure at 167/83 with 101bpm! Now it's 9.30pm and still pounding.
    Got me worried now.
    Maybe this batch I got is bunk?

    Side Note: Water intake approximately one gallon.
    It would be safest to stop and see if the symptoms go away.

  9. #9
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    Got a little sleep, woke with heart pounding, pillow soaked in sweat, bp 171/103, massive headache.
    Feel like crap.

    Finally my pressure came down and my heart slowed to almost normal.
    It got me to thinking and I remembered that I had a similar but less severe reaction last year when doctor first started me on Oxandrolone (Anavar) 25mg.
    I restarted it about two weeks ago.
    I can't blame the CJC/GHRP.
    I'll give it a few days to clear up and try again.

  10. #10
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    It's settled.
    It's been a week since I tried the first time so I tried again.
    0.7IU before workout at 1pm, 0.7IU again before bed, 10pm.
    Within an hour my heart was pounding, felt like crap. Couldn't sleep until 1am.
    Woke feeling bad, no energy, stiff neck etc...

    What is the chance that the product I received is not the right thing?
    It's happened before. I ordered some Exemestane from one place. Took it regular for about a month. No problems. it did what was advertised. Reduced my E, no fuss, no mess.
    Ordered from another place and the first dose just about killed me (I believe it was 12mg). Felt very strange for a few days.

    Going to order from another supplier and give it another chance. May go with 1295 and Lam or GHRP-2 instead of GHRP-6

    In the mean time, I started on T3 on Sunday. Should have been on that all along.
    Three years ago the doc scribed me some T3 but only 9mcg of Armour. Later tests revealed that I needed more but he never got around to making a new script.
    I never really felt anything from that small dose.
    Now, 25mcg of T3 does the trick! Drive and energy are back to the level I had in my 20's.

  11. #11
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    Just wanted to follow up on this.
    During my last visit at the "man clinic" I talked with the doctor about it.
    I explained to him my symptoms and he said it's an allergic reaction.
    He's seen it with Sermorelin. Seems Sermorelin and CJC 1295 are similar.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by NeverTooOld View Post
    Just wanted to follow up on this.
    During my last visit at the "man clinic" I talked with the doctor about it.
    I explained to him my symptoms and he said it's an allergic reaction.
    He's seen it with Sermorelin. Seems Sermorelin and CJC 1295 are similar.
    Interesting, I have never heard this but cjc 1295, sermorelin, cjc 1293 and mod grf are all very similar so what he is saying makes sense. What are you doing from here? Have you tried just the ghrp to see if you get any reaction to it alone?

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