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Thread: SYANPTEC LABS VS PharmacomLabs

  1. #1

    SYANPTEC LABS VS PharmacomLabs

    There is at least 30 $ price different between prdoucts from Synaptic and Pharmacom, both the sellers are reps from reputable forums
    and are stand up guys and I already checked with the lab if they are the legit re-seller answer is yes so it all comes down to which lab is
    better. I am mainly buying orals Anavar, Turinabol and some injectbles like Sust and Deca. Any input would be appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    I have been burned on both anavar and turinabol. I would labmax either these days, and if the reps are straight up you should be in good hands....

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