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Thread: Tren Cycle

  1. #1

    Tren Cycle

    Hi all,

    Looking for a bit if advice really guys.

    I have done a few cycles. My last cycle was test prop and Tbol. Just finished my PCT last week and I am planning my next course. It is defiantly going to be tren based.

    I have put a lot of weight on while bulking. I am 6ft tall and around 92 kg. I would say my body fat is low 20's at the moment.

    I never struggle loosing weight. My main issue is I look far to small when I do loose weight. I can easily get to 9-10% but I weight around 74kg when my body far is that low.

    My diet is good and I train 5-6 times a week.

    Ok so here is what I want, next summer I want to retain as much size as possible but have a low body fat. Someone recommended tren, mastron and test but after reading up on it today I think my body fat is to high and maybe that changing mastron for Clen would work better.

    Any advice given is highly appreciated.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    City of the sun
    U better start cycling when you are less than 20 % body fat .. U might get into trouble at this high %..
    I won't go for tren in my second run .. Not saying it's impossible just saying u need to understand your body better.. Tren is harsh.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Gods own country
    you have a lot to learn friend, how old are you ?

  4. #4
    Thanks for your replies.

    Iam currently trying to lower my bf before I start the cycle.

    We all have a lot to learn and that is why I am here asking for advice so if you have any it would be appreciated.

    31 by the way

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Gods own country
    Thats a good start, i would go about it like this

    If your an iphone/smart phone user Download myfitnesspal and mapmyride, this tracks calories in and out very easily

    SEt a plan and stick to it

    Eat whole foods, one shake a day, do outdoor cardio 5 - 6 times a week, pref morning fasted cardio, dont drink alcohol, use t3 and clen together

    Read up on carb cycling ( many ways to do it, MArcus300 is a good one), One cheat meal a week saturday nights

    Look up strength training programme, awesome at any stage of your career.

    trip off as much fat as you can in 13 weeks then start a cycle for another 13 weeks and SLOWLY increase carbs and cals, keep up the cardio and stay lean

    HEy presto summer body (put very simply)

  6. #6
    Amazing advice thanks mate

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Wrong section Darren post in the anabolic Q&A.

  8. #8
    Sorry mate it's my first post. I will post it there now

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by dazzaduk View Post
    Sorry mate it's my first post. I will post it there now
    It's no probs darren you will get more help in the Q&A this section it just for ugl discussions ect.

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