***Im brand new to this forum so please forgive me if I posted this in the wrong area.***
I know I am about to provide a lot of information right now, but I want to make sure to give all the details I can so I can get the most accurate information that may work for me...
I am 27 years old my stats are as follows:
21% body fat
No health issues whatsoever (blood work at DR's came back perfect on 2-16-15)
So i never really worked out/exercised my entire life until about a little over a year ago. Back on January 4, 2014 I weighed about 190 lbs, fat and completely our of shape. I started to workout out at the gym and didnt stop. I lost 20 pounds over the year the right away and got a lot stronger as well all around ( EX: I started benching 65lbs and now my first set is 155lbs). I would say that right now I am in great shape, I have done multiple Obstacle courses/mud runs (up to 15k's) throughout the year.
I have also experimented a lot with different supplements as well and have been eating right for a while now. I would say I only have 1 to 2 cheat MEALS a week. The rest of the week is on point. A normal week for me is like the following:
5:30 AM Wake up and have a Pure Karbolyn, Whey Protein, and Banana/Oats Shake
6:00 AM Bullnox Pre Workout
6:30 AM Hit the Gym to do weights with a Pure Karbolyn shake
7:45 AM Protein Shake
8:30 AM 3 egg white/1 egg with turkey (example meal)
11:30AM Brown rice, chicken breast, sweet potato (example meal)
2:30 PM Green Apple/1 serving of mixed nuts
5:30 PM Brown Rice, turkey breast, brocolli (example meal)
8:00 PM Abs and Cardio
9:30 PM Casein Shake
10:00PM Sleep
Besides the supps I mentioned above I also take a Centrum multi vitamin, CLA pills at every meal, b12 once a day, and creatine.
So now comes why I am writing on this board in the first place...
Even after the weight I have lost, the strength I have gained, the shape I am in, and the amount of money I spend on supps, When I take off my shirt I still look fat and flabby. I can workout my chest on Monday and look swoll in the chest for an hour but then its gone. Even my own wife tells me all the time, you work out so hard and you can barely tell by looking at you... It has almost gotten to the point where I just am thinking maybe its not in my genetics maybe I should just quit.
I was telling all this information to a friend of mine recently and he recommended to me to take Anavar. He says it is all he uses, and he looks like he can be on a Magazine cover. I am not interested in looking like a mag cover model but im tired of looking so flabby when I take my shirt off so what heck I asked him to get me some.
He was only able to grab me one bottle of Anavar 10mg/100count, and another bottle of oxavar 50mg/50count. He told me that this is all his guy can get him right now. He told me I need to take 20 mg of Anavar (10 in morning 10 at dinner) for a week then up to 50mg Anavar or Oxavar for 6 weeks then 20 mg of Anavar for one week, 8 weeks total. I also already bought Iron Labs cycle support for during the 8 weeks, and Iron Labs PCT for about 1 month after.
So first of all thank you for taking the time to read my extremely long and boring workout biography. My questions are:
1. What do you think of the anavar/oxavar cycle and how would you tweak it? Or what would you change?
2. What do you think Im doing wrong in my everyday workout/diet?
3. Anything else you would recommend?