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Thread: Clenbuterol and Ketotifen Question and information inquiry

  1. #1

    Post Clenbuterol and Ketotifen Question and information inquiry

    Just had a few questions in regards to getting and taking Ketotifen the reason i am thinking about getting it is that while taking clen i feel like it is not effective as it should be or i am not feeling it like i did before i went to 160 mcg and i am thinking i should have felt it way more.

    I also know that if you take Ketotifen you can extend your clen cycle from 2 weeks to maybe 4 or 6 i am currently doing 2 weeks on 2 weeks off i was just wondering what would be the dosage of Ketotifen and clen while on a 4 or 6 week cycle and what is the dosage of those 2 are during the cycle, also how long you have to take off after the long cycle.

    just bought keto still 1 more week till i get back on clen i would like to get on a 6-8 week cycle


    age 25
    6 foot

  2. #2
    GirlyGymRat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by animalstrength
    Just had a few questions in regards to getting and taking Ketotifen the reason i am thinking about getting it is that while taking clen i feel like it is not effective as it should be or i am not feeling it like i did before i went to 160 mcg and i am thinking i should have felt it way more. I also know that if you take Ketotifen you can extend your clen cycle from 2 weeks to maybe 4 or 6 i am currently doing 2 weeks on 2 weeks off i was just wondering what would be the dosage of Ketotifen and clen while on a 4 or 6 week cycle and what is the dosage of those 2 are during the cycle, also how long you have to take off after the long cycle. just bought keto still 1 more week till i get back on clen i would like to get on a 6-8 week cycle stats age 25 6 foot 260
    Hi. I was ready to answer your questions until I saw your stats. Clen is for the final 5 pounds. It's for finesse. Without posting your bf% it's hard to determine how much weight you are trying to lose.

    I run keto and Clen to extend up to 12 weeks continually at 2-3 mg before bedtime. I stop after cycle. Your dosage probably be in 120-160 mg range. I get shakes at 120 which is prob too high for gal my size. I let the fellas answer your dosing amount. I am just guessing.

  3. #3

  4. #4
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    I take it (ketotifen) at 1mg/day, at night, before bed. Then I would go 6-8 weeks straight. I dont like to personally run clen longer than 8 weeks even with keto. Your on the right track with the keto. It will allow you to get the clen benefits at reasonable doses in addition to preventing the tolerance build up.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    I take it (ketotifen) at 1mg/day, at night, before bed. Then I would go 6-8 weeks straight. I dont like to personally run clen longer than 8 weeks even with keto. Your on the right track with the keto. It will allow you to get the clen benefits at reasonable doses in addition to preventing the tolerance build up.
    Thank you very much for the reply.

    Ok i am planning on doing a 8 week cycle of this so i would take keto on week 3 and 6 at 1 mg at night right i could do a 6 week cycle as well i will see how it goes.

    Also after the clen cycle how many weeks do you need to take off.

  6. #6
    Bumping this Thread.

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    Quote Originally Posted by animalstrength View Post
    Thank you very much for the reply.

    Ok i am planning on doing a 8 week cycle of this so i would take keto on week 3 and 6 at 1 mg at night right i could do a 6 week cycle as well i will see how it goes.

    Also after the clen cycle how many weeks do you need to take off.
    Take keto right from the start of the clen cycle & for the entire time you are running the clen. IMO Id run it for 6-8 weeks, no longer (not a rule by any means, just my personal opinion as far as length of time running clen).
    Then I would take 4-6 weeks off, running keto the first week of that break, then the rest of the weeks of your break run nothing. Then repeat.
    All just my personal opinion based on experience. I no longer even run clen because the sides are just inconvenient for me. I do however, run albuterol, and I use the same protocol.

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    I've run clean for 12 weeks straight. Also you can take 25mg Benadryl to reset your receptors.

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    Actually benadryl doesn't work to accomplish this. While it is a similar compound to ketotifen (antihostamine, mast cell stabilizer) it will not work to prevent tolerance to b2 agonists.This was some info that was passed around primarily on some assumptions that when looked into further were proven incorrect several years ago.
    I found it interesting myself when this myth was laid to rest as I had even used benadryl myself to try to accomplish the prevention of a tolerance developing but it just did not work for me. Once Ronnie Roland (on staff here) spelled it out in a post as to why benadryl would in fact not wrk it explained a lot for me and my own personal experience.
    Bottom line, use ketotifen.
    Also you can certainly run clen longer than 8 weeks, many do for sure & do so successfully. I was always just personally more comfortable keeping my runs to 8 weeks or less.

  10. #10
    Ok so you can run the clen for up to 8-12 weeks and taking 1 mg of keto what kind of doses like 100 mcg of clen i also have taurine potassium i am taking as well i will be hopefully starting this long cycle next week and you said about min of 4 weeks off right.

  11. #11
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    Dont enter in with a set dose, start low and stick with an effective dose. Dont go in saying oh ill be doing 100mcg or 120 mcg, or 60 mcg. Start low, you will know its working and stick with a dose that is working.

  12. #12
    Ok cool thanks for reply i really felt it around 120-160 but after even on a 2 week cycle during the middle to end i felt it not as effective which is why i bought keto

    also anyone ever took the OG ephedra

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    Quote Originally Posted by animalstrength
    Ok cool thanks for reply i really felt it around 120-160 but after even on a 2 week cycle during the middle to end i felt it not as effective which is why i bought keto also anyone ever took the OG ephedra
    Don't take ephedra with Clen!

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Buster Brown View Post
    Don't take ephedra with Clen!
    I know that also you have to be careful with taking PWO formulas i am also going to be cycling PWO to not get used to them.

    i was thinking LISS cardio is the best while on clen not sure about whjat type of bodybuilding training to do.

    for the weeks off i would still try to cut and use a fat burner or eca stack

  15. #15
    Bumping this

    Tomorrow will be day 5 i will be at 100 mcg still getting used to the clen but the keto is really helping in a lot ways makes taking clen much more smooth but man it makes me drowsy lol

    i am eating clean taking my supps definitely feeling the body temperature rise when walking to lunch i can break a little bit of a sweat wearing a dress shirt.

    Not sure how long i will be on the clen keto cycle for 8-12 weeks is what i am shooting for, also was wondering if going to the sauna for a little bit would hurt.

  16. #16
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    youre taking the piss about the sauna arnt you?

    I wonder if you guys know how to get keto or benadryl with that dxxxxx chemical in it in aus? literally no places sell it.

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