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Thread: What to run for next cycle? Need inputs (background story here)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2012

    What to run for next cycle? Need inputs (background story here)

    Hey everyone, so I am currently on my first week of PCT after a Test E + Dbol cycle (14ish weeks).. however, I am going on vacation on august 29th 'til september 5th in which I would love to start a cycle 2-3 weeks prior which would give me 2 months and a half recover post PCT.

    (I know I should wait longer, however I will get bloodwork done, 2-3 weeks prior to cycling to make sure everything is in tact before going ahead)

    I am leaning towards a long esther cycle again because i will be gone for 1 week and don't want to have to miss too many injections , ( can pin the weekly dose once)..

    Any recommendations? Im not keen on doing a very long cycle either as I might as well of been cruising this time..

    Looking into Test Cyp/E maybe with EQ (however heard you need to do this at least 15 weeks), etc might want to avoid orals thought because I will most likely drink here and there lol

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2014
    North America
    Quote Originally Posted by Farid View Post
    Hey everyone, so I am currently on my first week of PCT after a Test E + Dbol cycle (14ish weeks).. however, I am going on vacation on august 29th 'til september 5th in which I would love to start a cycle 2-3 weeks prior which would give me 2 months and a half recover post PCT.

    (I know I should wait longer, however I will get bloodwork done, 2-3 weeks prior to cycling to make sure everything is in tact before going ahead)

    I am leaning towards a long esther cycle again because i will be gone for 1 week and don't want to have to miss too many injections , ( can pin the weekly dose once)..

    Any recommendations? Im not keen on doing a very long cycle either as I might as well of been cruising this time..

    Looking into Test Cyp/E maybe with EQ (however heard you need to do this at least 15 weeks), etc might want to avoid orals thought because I will most likely drink here and there lol
    Farid my Canadian brother, Wait until Sept-5-2019 to start again. When your're at least 25yo - Just my thoughts on it.
    Last edited by RigPig; 05-27-2015 at 11:19 AM.

  3. #3
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    Also, you should be doing more research on The Young & Steroids, you shouldn't be cycling at 21 brother. You are still in your peak for natty hormone production. Commitment to diet & exercise should safely yield your results. otherwise you're just asking for trouble further down the road.

  4. #4
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    Also, you should be doing more research on The Young & Steroids , you shouldn't be cycling at 21 brother. You are still in your peak for natty hormone production. Commitment to diet & exercise should safely yield your results. otherwise you're just asking for trouble further down the road.
    @RigPig Thanks for your input, however I am 25 years old. I know the risks I am taking and the influx of hormone changes having to pin once instead of twice etc during that ''Vacation week'' and willing to accept those.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Farid View Post
    @RigPig Thanks for your input, however I am 25 years old. I know the risks I am taking and the influx of hormone changes having to pin once instead of twice etc during that ''Vacation week'' and willing to accept those.
    Sorry about that, I read your profile age (21), then deleted most of my original comment.
    So why not just wait until you get back so you can do a proper un-interrupted cycle? 2-3 weeks of gear isn't going to do any good before your vacation anyway. You will just be getting the stage where you'll be combating sides when you get there. You don't want to be dealing with that on vacation.

  6. #6
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    Mar 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Farid
    @RigPig Thanks for your input, however I am 25 years old. I know the risks I am taking and the influx of hormone changes having to pin once instead of twice etc during that ''Vacation week'' and willing to accept those.
    Skipping a pin or two during cycle is not what RigPig is referring to when he warned you of complications in the future. Take some time to read the sticky "The Young and Steroids".

    Good luck Farid. Hope you reconsider cycling at your age. Btw, your profile says you're 21.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by musclestack View Post
    Skipping a pin or two during cycle is not what RigPig is referring to when he warned you of complications in the future. Take some time to read the sticky "The Young and Steroids".

    Good luck Farid. Hope you reconsider cycling at your age. Btw, your profile says you're 21.
    Oh, that's weird.. where does it say that? in the ''about me'' my birthday is there 1990

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by musclestack View Post
    Skipping a pin or two during cycle is not what RigPig is referring to when he warned you of complications in the future. Take some time to read the sticky "The Young and Steroids".

    Good luck Farid. Hope you reconsider cycling at your age. Btw, your profile says you're 21.
    he was 21 in 2012 when he joined, 1990 is his birth all adds up for the most part anyway.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by RigPig View Post
    Sorry about that, I read your profile age (21), then deleted most of my original comment.
    So why not just wait until you get back so you can do a proper un-interrupted cycle? 2-3 weeks of gear isn't going to do any good before your vacation anyway. You will just be getting the stage where you'll be combating sides when you get there. You don't want to be dealing with that on vacation.
    I guess your right, taking long esther wouldnt do anything and if i did short esthers I would miss too many pins in that week unless I could find a way to smuggle vials and syringes on a plane to Cuba Lol

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Farid View Post
    Oh, that's weird.. where does it say that? in the ''about me'' my birthday is there 1990
    its all good Farid, we instantly just look at the age part. But that's not the issue now.
    You need to just hold off till you get back.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Farid View Post
    I guess your right, taking long esther wouldnt do anything and if i did short esthers I would miss too many pins in that week unless I could find a way to smuggle vials and syringes on a plane to Cuba Lol
    I wouldn't bother trying that. Cuban jails are probably worse than our lol.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by RigPig View Post
    he was 21 in 2012 when he joined, 1990 is his birth all adds up for the most part anyway.
    Oh, I see. Apologies, Farid. Regardless, I agree with RP on this; there's no point in starting a cycle for 2-3 weeks, then interrupting it, especially since you'll be using long esters. Honestly, I wouldn't do it with shorter esters either even if I could find a way to take my gear with me. Let's be honest, even if you manage to hit the gym in Cuba, it's not like you're going to be 100% dedicated while on vacay. And your bloodwork may come back fine at that point, but best to let the receptors clear to get the most out of the cycle. Just take the extra time and let the body recoup. Good luck!

  13. #13
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    I agree w/RP too... Always plan out your cycle so there are no trips/etc during that time(sometimes life throws us a curve ball and we must leave) but if you know about this than not well planned!

    Plus time on + pct = time off minimum - and BW will let you know if you've recovered

    Just looking out for your best interests here - we members are
    Last edited by NACH3; 05-27-2015 at 02:19 PM.

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Why run a disrupted cycle? Wait..........don't be impatient to be "on" again and that's just what it is : impatience. If you don't wait then good luck with the potential roller coaster ride that you would be telling yourself at that point.....ahhh, I just should have waited. Nothing worse that a bad cycle !

  15. #15
    Op obviously because we advocate "safe" use on this board we will all suggest the safest way to use. (On a side note please don't waste your time with EQ. Its worthless es a muscle builder. I'm sure you will get some young guys on here to disagree lol but pm some of the biggest guys or vets on this forum and ask them they will say the same thing)

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