28 yrs old
6'7 255 13%
7 years training
This will be my third cycle.
Test Prop 200 mg eod week 1-10
Dbol 50mg/day week 1-6
NAC 1200 mg/day week 1-10
hcg 500 iu/week week 1-10
dex .25 ed week 1-10
I got some gyno-like symptoms (puffy nips) last time I ran prop so probably nolva 20 mg/day week 1-10
Pct 3 days after last prop pin
nolva 40/20/20/20
clomid 100/50/50/50
my goal is too add as much strength as possible while adding some solid lean mass. would run a long ester but I don't have that large a window to run my cycle