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Thread: 4th cycle how does this look to you guys first time on this

  1. #1

    4th cycle how does this look to you guys first time on this

    50mg oxymetholone per day
    800mg equipoise pw
    500mg tren e pw
    400mg test e pw

  2. #2
    Running this at 20 weeks

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Baking chicken
    Why the EQ?? It's gonna be wayyy overshadowed by the tren? Are you using for appetite increase?

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Watson789
    Running this at 20 weeks
    20 weeks of an oral - bad idea
    20 weeks of tren - really bad idea

    Any AI, hCG, DA?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Baking chicken
    Quote Originally Posted by The Deadlifting Dog View Post
    20 weeks of an oral - bad idea
    20 weeks of tren - really bad idea

    Any AI, hCG, DA?
    Nice catch DLD he sure didn't list anything

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Back in Black will have a field day on this..........

  7. #7
    No ai etc taking milk thistle with naps and drinking plenty of water

    Stats are 28yrs
    Low body fat

    Was thinking of upping the tren..

  8. #8
    Read alot of cycles going really well combining these 3

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Baking chicken
    Quote Originally Posted by Watson789 View Post
    No ai etc taking milk thistle with naps and drinking plenty of water

    Stats are 28yrs
    Low body fat

    Was thinking of upping the tren..
    So no AI no HCG no DA and milk thistle! Seriously read this it how a cycle should be ran - test only - what's low bf(give a # or post a pic) you've got so many things wrong here - you need to reconsider this man
    Last edited by NACH3; 08-14-2015 at 05:39 PM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    If you aren't on TRT 20 weeks on tren isn't a good thing as it shuts you down hard...Compounds look good as EQ and Tren compliment each other well and your vascularity will probably look crazy and will crave your delts crazily..The test is very low for what you wanna run and you may not be able to maintain your sexual functions with the way this is set up...Also you aren't running anything on-cycle to help you like HCG or running an AI...Which you shouldn't even cycle without IMO...SOO probably not a good cycle for now...

  11. #11
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	PicsArt_1439581849649.jpg 
Views:	290 
Size:	363.7 KB 
ID:	158744

  12. #12
    I would of thought test was high enough as it's alot more than natural testosterone we produce not adding ai or hcg as costing alot as it is

  13. #13
    I would of thought test was high enough as it's alot more than we naturally produce and no ai or hcg as costing a bomb to start with

  14. #14
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    Apr 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Watson789 View Post
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	PicsArt_1439581849649.jpg 
Views:	290 
Size:	363.7 KB 
ID:	158744
    No offense, but it seems like skipped a few years of training.

    Maybe try a testosterone cycle only after reducing the bodyfat to 15%

  15. #15
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	PicsArt_1437485193432.jpg 
Views:	158 
Size:	40.8 KB 
ID:	158745

    Me last year pic dnt do justice nah defo sticking with this cycle just wondered whether to up to tren or test

  16. #16
    Plus adding cardio boxing twice a week to routine so bf shud drop massively

  17. #17
    Seriously this cycle is much more than you need.
    Have you even cycled before?

    I will say it again.
    20 weeks of an oral is a bad idea.
    20 weeks of tren is a really bad idea.

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Watson789
    Read alot of cycles going really well combining these 3
    You have 4 compounds in your cycle not 3.

    4 compounds does happen to be 3 more than you need at your stage of development.
    Last edited by The Deadlifting Dog; 08-14-2015 at 06:35 PM.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Deadlifting Dog View Post
    You have 4 compounds in your cycle not 3.

    4 compounds does happen to be 3 more then you need at your stage of development.
    Agreed on what's been said to you...

    You need to dial in your diet and training and forget cycling - is this your first cycle?? If you have cycled it's clear you don't know how to eat to maintain or even grow!

    Not trying to be mean - but you've got a lit of learning to do and your in the right place! It's all here just read that link I posted and it explains all you need, when your ready mentally and physically...

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by Watson789
    Plus adding cardio boxing twice a week to routine so bf shud drop massively
    Shed the extra pounds before the cycle.

    Use an AI and a DA.
    Also use hCG.

  21. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by Watson789
    I would of thought test was high enough as it's alot more than natural testosterone we produce not adding ai or hcg as costing alot as it is
    The test is plenty enough. Many only run 200mg a week when running tren.

    More importantly...
    If you can't afford the cycle then don't cycle.
    My guess is you aren't running any bloodwork either.
    By the way, if you think an AI is expensive then I can't wait until you see the price tag on gyno surgery.

  22. #22
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  23. #23
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    Anadrol 20 weeks, upping the tren, no anch


  24. #24
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    You shouldn't be cycling

    You have no idea how to design a cycle or address side efforts.

    I would stop what your planning and go right back to basics and start with sorting your training out then diet.

  25. #25
    1. 20 weeks Anadrol will melt your liver, no discussion needed since it's hepatotoxicity profile has been heavily researched in the medical community. And you'll gain nothing significant by running it this long vs running it for less time (especially given that you're already complaining about cycle cost - this is the most expensive compound in your list).
    2. Milk Thistle and NAC (assume you meant NAC and not naps like you posted) is not sufficient for liver protection, you need more than just that. Again, do more research.
    3. EQ is higher than it needs to be - have you run EQ before? Do you know what 300mg or 400mg/week feels like and how it aromatizes? You're not running AI on this cycle so have fun with gyno on week six!
    4. If you're posting a pic to show us bf% then use a recent pic - not a year old one. I'm sure every single one of us has visibly changed in the last year in regard to bf% and muscle group development.
    5. Do you know what your current Total T, Free T, E2, Prolactin, CBC, etc blood work looks like before starting this cycle? I bet you aren't doing bloods because it's too expensive right?

    Go do some research and either change your cycle costs to include ancillaries or make more money to afford to do a cycle the right way. It's BS like this that lands people at the doctor's office with liver or cardia issues and gives steroid users a bad name. Be responsible.

  26. #26
    Join Date
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    i see this is your 4th cycle. presuming you have already made the purchase and are dead-set on combining them into an effective stack, AND assuming you have an ai and caber on hand, as well as a proper pct planned, i would do it like this (but this is just ME):

    1-15 test-e 500mg/wk
    1-14 EQ 500mg/wk (up to 600mg/wk if you've used it before...i use it for appetite increase due to tren lowering my appetite)
    1-12 tren-e 400mg/wk (possibly 500mg/wk if you've used it successfully before)
    1-4 anadrol 50mg/ed (do NOT use more than 4 weeks.....just my 2 cents...but, hey, it's your liver!!)

    good luck....let us know how it goes!

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