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Thread: Questions about Extending Cycle

  1. #1

    Questions about Extending Cycle

    My Cycle:
    Duration: 10 Weeks
    Test E at 250mg per 3.5 days [500mg per week total]
    hCG at 250ius per 3.5 days [500iu per week total]
    Arimidex (as needed), PCT = Nolvadex and Clomid

    Background Information:
    So I just finished the 5th week of my cycle. Life got in the way of my first 4 weeks so I ended up missing some gym days and didn't eat as well as I could have. My PCT will be four weeks at the standard dosage of Clomid at 75/50/50/50 & Nolvadex at 40/20/20/20. This will be my one and only cycle.

    1. As this is my first cycle, is there any harm in extending my cycle to 16 weeks (or even longer)?
    2. My friend gave me two bottles of anavar for FREE. Can I add these into my cycle at 50mg per day for the last four weeks of my cycle? Or what would be the best way for me to use this?
    3. Does extending my cycle or adding in anavar change how long my PCT will be? As in, if I extend my cycle, do I also have to extend my PCT?

    Last edited by thrw.w4y; 04-08-2016 at 06:46 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    1. Extend it to 12 weeks that's pretty normal for a first cycle. Your test is just about to kick in so your most productive weeks are ahead of you.

    2. I wouldn't, any side effects that you may get will likely start appearing from now, how will you know what is causing them if you add in another compound? Save it for your next cycle, even if you say this is your only one.

    3. Typically yes, the longer you are shut down the harder recovery is so an extension of Nolva by 20/20 would be recommended. However, as you should running 12 weeks this is a moot point.

    4. I know there isn't a 4 but you should be running your arimidex EOD not 'as needed'. How do you work out as needed anyway?

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black View Post
    1. Extend it to 12 weeks that's pretty normal for a first cycle. Your test is just about to kick in so your most productive weeks are ahead of you.

    2. I wouldn't, any side effects that you may get will likely start appearing from now, how will you know what is causing them if you add in another compound? Save it for your next cycle, even if you say this is your only one.

    3. Typically yes, the longer you are shut down the harder recovery is so an extension of Nolva by 20/20 would be recommended. However, as you should running 12 weeks this is a moot point.

    4. I know there isn't a 4 but you should be running your arimidex EOD not 'as needed'. How do you work out as needed anyway?
    1. The vials for test E that I get come in 10ml at 250mg meaning I would end up with some leftover oil anyway. I just didn't want to waste that last bit of oil. So if I extend to 12 weeks, what should I do with the rest of the oil?

    2. I thought anavar had no side effects? So far, on Test E alone I haven't experienced any sides (yet) but you're most likely right. I'll hold off on adding it in.

    3. Ah, I see. Thanks for the help.

    4. This has always been confusing for me. 50% of people tell me to run it at 0.25mg per day. The other 50% of people tell me only run it when you start feeling your nipples burn/itch. So far, I've ran it at 0.25mg EOD up to about the third week. I've stopped it for the last two weeks since people have been telling me (in-person and online) that it would somehow affect my gains. I honestly can't tell who's right.

    By the way, thanks for helping. I was beginning to think no one would respond. Liked + Repped.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Bin the left over oil or save it for next time.

    All AAS have the potential to cause side effects. I think the biggest myth around anavar is that it is completely safe and will give you solid and permanent gains. It isn't and it won't.

    You won't always feel side effects of high estrogen. They are so much more than itching nips. Arimidex stops test converting therefore you have more test floating round your system if you do use an AI. More test hurts your gains how, ask them? Actually get them to sign up here to learn. 0.25mg EOD is a good starting point, I'm guessing you won't be getting bloodwork to check your levels anyway?!

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black View Post
    Bin the left over oil or save it for next time.

    All AAS have the potential to cause side effects. I think the biggest myth around anavar is that it is completely safe and will give you solid and permanent gains. It isn't and it won't.

    You won't always feel side effects of high estrogen. They are so much more than itching nips. Arimidex stops test converting therefore you have more test floating round your system if you do use an AI. More test hurts your gains how, ask them? Actually get them to sign up here to learn. 0.25mg EOD is a good starting point, I'm guessing you won't be getting bloodwork to check your levels anyway?!
    1/2. Okay, got it.

    3. You're right, it makes sense. I think they said something along the lines of the water retention will make you look bigger. Not sure if that's even true or not. Anyways, I'll re-start the arimidex at 0.25mg EOD again. Also, I already did get pre-cycle bloodwork done. I'm getting mid-cycle bloodwork done at the end of the sixth week and I'll also get post-cycle bloodwork done.

    Thanks for all the help.

    Not sure if you're still here but I just had 1 more question. I'm having a hard time meeting the minimum order for my supplier so I'm probably going to place an order with $250 worth of stuff I won't even use. Any ideas on what I should get? Or is there anything I should add into my cycle?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    Why are you needing to place an order? Just to get another vial of test to extend your cycle past 10 weeks? If you have to do an order, I would just buy test e. I wouldn't complicate the cycle by purchasing new compounds. Test should be the base of any cycle so you can always use it. Good luck bro!

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Bo58 View Post
    Why are you needing to place an order? Just to get another vial of test to extend your cycle past 10 weeks? If you have to do an order, I would just buy test e. I wouldn't complicate the cycle by purchasing new compounds. Test should be the base of any cycle so you can always use it. Good luck bro!
    I need to place an order to pick up a vial of test E and some PCTs but there's a minimum order. So I'll most likely end up buying a lot of useless stuff just to meet the minimum order required. Thanks for the info though. Liked + repped.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Just send me the
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