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Thread: 1st Cycle test E alone or test E with dianabol ?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2016

    1st Cycle test E alone or test E with dianabol ?

    Well I am starting my 1st cycle soon and still very confused whether to run Test E 500/w for 10 weeks alone or use Dianabol 20mg/day as kick with it.
    Many would argue that it is better to run Test E alone as 1st cycle because the less compounds you use the easier to identify where any side effect would come from but I would also argue that Test E would not even kick in until the 4th week so basically you are not gonna see any effect (or side effect) from test E within the 1st 4 weeks so it is like having only Dianabol in ur system.
    What are your thoughts guys ?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Everyone reacts to these hormones differently.

    When I did test e for my first cycle I was up something like 12 pounds by week 4 and strength was through the roof.

    I think you should stick to the basics for your first cycle.

    If you do decide to do your own thing and use an oral then choose one that doesn't aromatize.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by numbere View Post
    Everyone reacts to these hormones differently.

    When I did test e for my first cycle I was up something like 12 pounds by week 4 and strength was through the roof.

    I think you should stick to the basics for your first cycle.

    If you do decide to do your own thing and use an oral then choose one that doesn't aromatize.
    Well I know Dianabol definitely aromatizes into estrogen but i also think it is one of the few u can use as kick ?
    I also have 4 weeks worth of Turinabol and 4 weeks worth of Anavar but I am not sure if those are useful because i am looking to bulk up.
    Stats: 180cm 87kg BF:15-16%
    I will be using Aromasin (pfizer) but also not sure if I should run 25 mg/day or 12.5 mg/day or alternate 12.5 mg and 25mg/day since different sources states different dosages.
    I also have Letrozol on hand if anything wrong happened and cabergoline and pramipexol (I know i will probably not need those but you can't be over prepared)
    I will also be running HCG ofc during and have enough clomid and nolva from now and I will be running HGH 4 units.

  4. #4
    Baby steps. You rush into this and have issues you'll regret it. You take your time and you'll enjoy it. You'll see a big difference with test e. You'll learn how your body reacts. Introduce things one at a time. Your next cycle I would add d-bol if you're determined to stack.

  5. #5
    The moment you put exogenous Testosterone into your body, your body is going to freak. It'll just happen. The intensity of the reaction will manifest itself through acne, hair loss, SUPER oily skin, water retention, erectile dysfunction, etc. Everyone's different. I had acne carpet in front and back. If you saw me on my first cycle you'd have through I was a leper. It was pretty gross. The reason we advise Test only cycle for the first one is so you can see how your body reacts to exogenous Test. You can control your sides better if you know what's causing it. Add multiple compounds to your cycle and trying to diagnose your sides becomes a guessing game. The self medicating "solution" may make things worse 'cause it's a guessing game at that point. Just take it slow. This is a must read.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by chab View Post
    Well I am starting my 1st cycle soon and still very confused whether to run Test E 500/w for 10 weeks alone or use Dianabol 20mg/day as kick with it.
    Many would argue that it is better to run Test E alone as 1st cycle because the less compounds you use the easier to identify where any side effect would come from but I would also argue that Test E would not even kick in until the 4th week so basically you are not gonna see any effect (or side effect) from test E within the 1st 4 weeks so it is like having only Dianabol in ur system.
    What are your thoughts guys ?
    Have some patience, 4 weeks isn't that long to start moving weights lime pebbles

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