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Thread: Body weight conditioning

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2012

    Body weight conditioning

    Hey guys,
    Curious of any of you use body weight conditioning workouts as a means of GPP, active recovery and or cardio. Currently on a 12 week cut, 6 weeks in. Lifting 5 days per week, ckd diet, and do steady state 2-3x/week. Just curious if anyone thinks it would be all that detrimental to profess to do body weight circuit training on an off day?
    Something like
    -push ups 2-3x25
    -inverted row 2-3x25
    -Squat or lunge 2-3x25
    -weighted carry 2-3x50yds

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Cat Island
    One of the hardest parts of muscle growth is fighting against the urge to go to the gym.

    Rest days should be kept sacred IMO.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2016
    Western Missouri
    I've read several different studies stating steady state cardio is a very inefficient method for fat loss for a strength athlete, bodybuilder, etc. Yeah I know, I saw Phil Heath on that one documentary running for miles and miles, I'm not saying it doesn't work for some, but I'm not Phil Heath. I think bodyweight conditioning is THE fat loss method. Perfect for cutting fat without losing size. There can be some lifting in there too, but you asked about body weight:

    Any sort of lunge
    All sorts of burpees
    Pushups, depth pushups, plyo pushups
    Sprints, especially hill sprints (less likelihood of hamstring injury because of the slower speed)
    Backwards running

    These are a few of my favorite things for fat loss. Combine them into a circuit, if you want to get stoopit throw in some tire flipos, keg toss, car push, etc.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by KurtMiles
    I've read several different studies stating steady state cardio is a very inefficient method for fat loss for a strength athlete, bodybuilder, etc. Yeah I know, I saw Phil Heath on that one documentary running for miles and miles, I'm not saying it doesn't work for some, but I'm not Phil Heath. I think bodyweight conditioning is THE fat loss method. Perfect for cutting fat without losing size. There can be some lifting in there too, but you asked about body weight: Any sort of lunge All sorts of burpees Pushups, depth pushups, plyo pushups Sprints, especially hill sprints (less likelihood of hamstring injury because of the slower speed) Backwards running These are a few of my favorite things for fat loss. Combine them into a circuit, if you want to get stoopit throw in some tire flipos, keg toss, car push, etc.
    I think the literature is pretty favorable to variable intensity and hiit style workouts. High heart rate, mean high lactate which means high GH release.

    Plus steady state is boring as hell.
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    No Source Check Please, I don't know of any.

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