Hello, I'm looking for a supplement that helps to prevent acne while I'll be on anavar... what about n-acetil-cystein?
Hello, I'm looking for a supplement that helps to prevent acne while I'll be on anavar... what about n-acetil-cystein?
This is a good post regarding acne. http://forums.steroid.com/steroid-co...acne-free.html
High dose vitamin A will helpOriginally Posted by Ulthar91
B5 can help
Probably your E2 levels are to high without knowing your cycle a AI would help majorly
The times that I have had problems with acne, my estrogen had gotten too high. When I control estrogen with a good AI I don't have any acne problems. But, everyone is different and responds differently to AAS.
Also, sometimes you can repeat a cycle exactly the same way you did 1year ago, and have no side effects. But this time you might have side effects.
Bar soap. It strips oil and skin from the skin lol
fvck it wear'em proudly. be ugly. that's how i look at it.
Vitamin A, MSM and NAC is what I use, know it should help so maybe it does as if I have few spots here and there its all minimal and goes away quickly. Like mentioned E2 is easily a culprit and try shower twice a day, morning/night and use quality skin scrub.
I use alot of vitA, I guesstimate approx 15k iu a day from sources such raw frozen liver, daily. 1 Week on and 1 week off. Have a read on it.
Besides exfoliation to prevent clogging of pores, and vitamins like C and B12 to boost imune system theres not much you can do if you are prone to it:
But on a positive note, acne during teens years is ussually very different from steroid acne, teens get it more on the face, steroid acne more on body.
True there, I used to get some on my forehead and around jawline but most around in the eyebrows department, and not much of any at all anywhere else. I dont take special care of my face like creams and what not, just regular while showering and morning cold water wash thats all. Now at this time I have nothing going on in my face department but I do get one or two little things here and there on my upper back and shoulders, so thats that.
Diet is a big thing,processed foods and simple sugars can cause havoc on acne for me, when diet is strict and clean skin looks cleaner and lighter in general, less blackheads and any kind of acne.
Thanks BB for b12 tip, ran out 3 weeks ago and forgot to reorder, getting some naw
Try it works well on lot of individuals with this problem
accu is horrible and should eb off the market.. its nasty and a joke that its still sold.. now in my country you even need to sign a liability waver for doc before they prescribe it... avoid it at all costs... sides can come many years down the line after off, fuks you on a genetic level...
i rec 1-2 showers a day with dr.bronners magic soaps. also apple cider vinnager "with mother"every day helps longterm, will take some weeks to notice so maybe start a month before cycle, its good for you anyways
You shouldn't have to much of a problem being on Var, however due to the nature of your oily skin i recommend the following:
Exfoliate 2-3 times per week based on your skin sensitivity
Days that you don't exfoliate use a dish washing liquid for it's de-greasing properties, if your skin can handle it you can use it everyday.
For the internal balance start each morning before breakfast with lemon juice, apple cider vinegar and olive oil split 3 ways in a tot glass.
B12 gave me acne as well!
Austinite wrote this on acne... Check it out Ulthar!
Last edited by NACH3; 09-13-2016 at 02:21 PM.
Last edited by NACH3; 09-13-2016 at 02:25 PM.
You do realize that exfoliating doesn't mean that you have to use harsh chemicals right? Exfoliation is the process of removing dead skin cells, which means you can use a sponge or body glove with a gentle soap or even water.
So instead of being so quick to criticize me trying to help the lady, maybe you should brush up on your English ;-)
All I said was that she had already mentioned having bad experiences with exfoliants... Hence "the reading the whole thread idea came up" And I linked her to Austinites Acne protocol(all natural way like OP asked).
I'm no dermatologist but she knows how her body reacts... so the link was the best I could offer :-)
Last edited by NACH3; 09-13-2016 at 04:49 PM.
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