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Thread: 2nd Week E2 at 66 -- Start Using AI or Wait?

  1. #1

    2nd Week E2 at 66 -- Start Using AI or Wait?

    Hi everyone, I started my 500 mg test e cycle last Monday. This Monday morning I did blood before pinning, and the result was E2 from 33 (pre-cycle) to 66 and Total Test from 400 to 1600. Do I need to start taking arimidex right now or should I wait for sides to show off? So far my only side is extra oil on face and a few acne. If I should take arimidex what dosage should i take? 0.25 mg eod as instructed in the sticky post?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    dont ask for a source thx
    yes you should have started it from the beginning of the cycle...why wait for any sides? if you wait to long and gyno start to show its ugly head then its too late for dex and time for a serm like yea its better to start from the beginning of the cycle to hopefully ward off any sides before they start...

  3. #3
    I've seen a lot of posts and some people believe one should only start using AI when gyno starts to develop. That's why I am asking.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by DaBao View Post
    I've seen a lot of posts and some people believe one should only start using AI when gyno starts to develop. That's why I am asking.
    AIs stop and/or reduce test from converting to estrogen.

    Gyno is caused by elevated estrogen.

    AIs will do nothing to reverse gyno.

    To get rid of gyno you need to take a SERM or have surgery.

    This is why it makes no sense at all to begin taking an AI after you begin to develop gyno.

    There are much worse side effects from elevated estrogen then gyno.

    High estrogen is very unhealthy for your cardiovascular system.

    You can feel gyno forming and take the necessary steps but you can't feel a blood clot until it's too late.

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