Last edited by hollywoodundead2016; 06-09-2017 at 02:31 PM.
I will start cruise in a few weeks , i will do 250 mg test e /week m 500 hcg / week , and arimidex 0,25 eod , cruise for 3 12 weeks , blast again
Last edited by hollywoodundead2016; 06-09-2017 at 02:31 PM.
i think is great you pin 2 times a week in a lower dose , i think it works fine one pin a week , but maybe your way is more stable , i am on tes e ,
I stick to my trt dose of 150mgs weekly. I advice to keep it as low as possible and allow the blast to do all if the enhancing, so to speak, while the trt helps maintain. Don't dose so high that you're trying to add mass/comp year round. You need to let your body rest a bit.
Why would you want to do this? Honestly, this is plain stupid.
I did one cycle when I was 33. Swore I wouldn't do another. Then about 3-4 years later I felt like total crap. I was tired, had no sex drive etc etc. I knew my cycle caused an issue even years later. Fast forward, and now I'm on TRT for the rest of my life. I'm 41 years old and it sucks. Right now it isn't bad because I'm working out and feel good and making gains but I'm sick of constantly pinning myself.
If I live into my 80's then more than half my life will consist of pinning myself to feel normal. It sounds super cool thinking how you're going to do this but it's not.
Also, when you cruise you will still go thru some form of lethargy and whatever else you would go thru during PCT. It's just not as bad.
Bloodwork buddy. You're throwing around numbers like 200 and 250 as if somehow that's a standard trt dose. Bloodwork is the only way to know. 150mgs keeps me right were my Dr and I want me to be. Plus, I don't need any ancillaries to add to that dose. Cruising at a dose higher than needed can sometimes cause one to rely on an AI, which can have its own risks like wrecked lipids, for example. I would certainly prefer to be slightly low than high year round and need an AI and not use it. That's a lot less safe than being slightly low. If a healthy male produces the equivalent of 7-11mgs of test per day as some studies suggest, that breaks down to 77mgs weekly on the high side. Of course there are many variables to consider. When you inject higher doses than needed, all you're doing is cycling year around, which is unhealthy, and foolish.
Hollywood, not being a douce or critisizing you but really you better base your cruising off trt standards and bloodwork. A shot in the dark can cause ed, impotency, sterility, high bp, and a slew of other problems you dont need.
Again i think you a cool dude just warning ya brother.
Last edited by hollywoodundead2016; 06-09-2017 at 02:31 PM.
It totally depends on you. Thats why you need bloodwork. For example I know 65 year old meth heads and I have a sister that tried it once and totally ruined her sanity for life. It could be debilitating or you might be just fine with it. Check your bloods man.
Last edited by hollywoodundead2016; 06-09-2017 at 02:31 PM.
Of course bloodwork is the best way to have info on where you are at. Myself, I cruise at 300mg test e; but I am an older male and am fine being elevated a bit all year.
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