Wondering whether anyone here has much experience with parabolan and could say what they think?
I'm looking at either a test/dbol and tren ace stack or test/dbol/parabolan stack.
All previous cycles have been test (blend) only, test e/dbol, test e/anavar and test e/tren ace.
Id like to try other compounds and see how they affect me and my gains. And from what I've read the parabolan requires a long cycle 12 weeks. Which is fine as that's my test base cycle anyway 12-15 weeks.
Any other suggestions though as to what might be useful to use with the test apart from the tren? I have dbol to kick it off 40mg each day. Plus all the usual suspects for on cycle and pct nolva, Clomid and arimidex and hcg.
Thoughts, suggestions and feedback appreciated.