This is just a inquiry as I am experienced and want to know what has changed in terms of pharma tech and methods if anything.
My basic go to stack would be as follows:
Test C - 400-600/wk
Deca - 400-600/wk
Anadrol - 50/mg 2x's/day (50 days total in mid cycle)
Winstrol - 50/mg 1x/day (Switch from Adrol last 30 days)
Nolva and Clomid post cycle.
total cycle = 12-16 weeks depending.
I know its probably old school but, not looking to pin more than 2x per week.
This is my current and its working pretty well but, reading about Tren and pretty much looks like it will overpower anything and would most likely need to run Test C at 250/wk just keep test level's flowing.
Not looking to compete but, just refocusing on my physical condition after years of focusing on my career/family.
age 42.. Not trying to go compete.