Hi guys,
Some time ago I followed the advice here to try a Power PCT program (Dr. Scully (?) ).
Day 1-16 : 2500iu HCG every other day.
Day 1-30 : Nolva 20mg/day; Clomid 100mg/day (50mg was taken twice per day)
Day 31-45 : Nolva 20mg/day
These are the results 2 months after the last pill was taken (blood taken on empty stomach early morning).
The only thing that seem to has happened is lowered E2.
I feel better but not as strong and energized as under treatment.
Can still get hard but not often that horny.
Cum seems to go from shooting great sometimes to just dribble out as clear water other times.
Acne is better, just 1-2 pimples a week.
I eat much more healthy since I started treatment and swapped all soda for water.
Blood pressure is (taken on empty stomach early morning):
138/ 83 mm/ Hg
52/ min
Any thoughts on this and what my options are?