I get what your trying to do . what I'm saying is what your trying to do may not be genetically possible or feasible. you say you can't be 220 pounds and be a bodybuilder . well I'm saying your right, you probably couldn't no matter if you did 100 cycles and trained daily for 5 years straight . former mr Olympias don't even have those stats (5'9" 220 pounds 10%bf).
so more then likely you do NOT have to worry about ever being 220 and ripped
what I'm saying is even getting to a muscular 180 pounds , while only training half the year and doing other hobbies that put you in a calorie deficit is likely to be very difficult for you , let alone ever getting to 220.
I'm not saying its not totally do able but 3 cycles in a short time may be very short lived when you spend 5 months of the year on the side of a mountain or whatever . you just don't take a few cycles and suddenly add 30 pounds of muscle and its yours to keep no matter what you do or how you train or eat . that new muscle mass requires stimulus, food, and more steroids to maintain . thats how it works .
if you were genetically meant to be 180 pounds and muscular and lean , then you'd be there already naturally . taking a few steroid cycles and then quitting is prob not going to maintain that for you.
in order to maintain my current size , I have to take around 400mg of AAS a week every week from now until forever . I can't imagine stopping taking the gear and only training 7 months out of the year . I'd loose 40 pounds . yet you expect to take a few cycles , get the size you want, and just maintain it without the proper training and continuing steroids ?
sure I know your only talking 20 pounds here , but your talking 20 pounds of pure muscle (not water and bloat), which is going to be difficult to maintain after quitting steroids and going into long phases of non training and calorie deficits .