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Thread: Critique my Cycle

  1. #1

    Critique my Cycle

    Looking for some feedback on my first test e cycle, particularly interested on what I should be doing for PCT as I’ll be running nolva throughout the cycle.

    500mg Test E weekly, broken up into 2 separate doses of 250mg. Week 1 - 8.

    10mg Nolvadex daily. Week 1-8.

    500iu of HCG weekly, broken up into 2 separate doses. Week 1-8.

    25mg Aromasin daily. Week 1-8.

    Would be great to know your thoughts on the cycle itself but my main question relates to PCT. As I’ll be running Nolva throughout, should I stop taking everything at the end of the 8 weeks and then start taking both nolva and chlomid as PCT, alongside aromasin?

    The decision to run nolva throughout was a difficult one, but I had mild gyno on one side years ago which has since been extracted, and I’m obviously very eager to ensure that doesn’t happen again. It might limit gains slightly, but I prefer the extra safety net.

    Test seems to have a pretty rapid effect on me - I took my first injection yesterday evening and that same night noticed some pretty immediate effect - constant boner throughout the night and sweating pretty heavily. All good signs I hope!

  2. #2
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Eight weeks is not long enough. Should be at least twelve.
    Nolva is fine on cycle.
    Cut your Aromasin dose in half.
    Two weeks after last injection begin your pct. You should not need aromasin in pct.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Eight weeks is not long enough. Should be at least twelve.
    Nolva is fine on cycle.
    Cut your Aromasin dose in half.
    Two weeks after last injection begin your pct. You should not need aromasin in pct.
    Appreciate the input mate, I’m fairly new to this so eager to learn.

    I have enough to run the cycle for longer if necessary. I guess I can make a final decision after the initial 8 weeks and go do 10/12.

    Regarding the PCT - should I continue my daily nolva dosage on the 2 weeks after my last pin and before officially starting PCT?

  4. #4
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Long esters really aren't going to kick in until about 4-6 weeks so if you don't extend it you'll really only be getting 2-4 "productive" weeks or so. You'll just be getting in to where you get the most bang for your buck and then you'll be stopping it. No reason to. Make this decision now and stick to your plan. The recommended beginners cycle is 12 weeks test only...

    Re nolva just keep running it at your low dose and when pct starts ramp it up to the appropriate dose. Right now it's only blocking any estrogen from attaching to chest receptors. It's not stimulating your HPTA in the presence of exogenous testosterone, but it will begin to do so once the test is out of your system.
    Last edited by kelkel; 03-29-2018 at 01:44 PM. Reason: can't fvcking spell
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  5. #5
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    continue the nolva thru the cycle, and into PCT. Then run it 2 weeks longer than the clomid.

    What is ur PCT plan? I didnt see the dosages or plan?

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Lemonada8 View Post
    continue the nolva thru the cycle, and into PCT. Then run it 2 weeks longer than the clomid.

    What is ur PCT plan? I didnt see the dosages or plan?
    My PCT plan was nolva at 40/20/20/20 and clomid at 75/50/50/50. I think I need to reconsider cycle length so not sure if I should run this for longer than the 4 weeks I had planned?

  7. #7
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    Go nolva 40 x 2 weeks then 20 x 4 weeks, clomid 100 x 2 weeks, 50 x 2 weeks

    If u do test e, u should go 12 weeks...

    IMO i love test P cycles... check out my blog link under my name

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Lemonada8 View Post
    Go nolva 40 x 2 weeks then 20 x 4 weeks, clomid 100 x 2 weeks, 50 x 2 weeks

    If u do test e, u should go 12 weeks...

    IMO i love test P cycles... check out my blog link under my name
    Cheers dude, if 12 weeks seems like the sensible approach then so be it - 12 weeks it is!

    The injection itself was pretty much painless but my thigh does feel pretty stiff today - fairly common I guess? I tried the glute as a practice shot, but the twisting action felt pretty uncomfortable and gave me far less control, so I may just alternate between thighs.

    Also, the aspiration was a bit strange for me. I tried pulling the injection plunger up and it was difficult - like I was pulling against something almost. Injecting yourself is a pretty strange experience on the whole, but suppose like anything else you get better with practice.

  9. #9
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    I hate glutes... I did them once... couldnt walk that night ( which sucked cuz i was a waiter, and had to walk all night at work... ugh... ) a tip, inject right before working out and inject what u work out... ie inject quads on a leg day, it helps alot!!!

    The aspiration u described was correct... it should be difficult, cuz it should be pulling against a vacuum... if its easy then its pulling up blood indicating ur in a vein which u should pull out, switch needles, resterilze and reinject...

    Since i Injected prop ED, I had much less to inject (0.5ml) I rotated quads, pecs, delts, bi's... and it worked fine... just like i said, inject what u workout that day..

  10. #10
    Thought I would give you guys an update on progress so far since you were good enough to give me some feedback on my cycle.

    First injection was relatively painless but PIP was pretty terrible after it.

    2nd injection, again painless, much less PIP this time - must be improving my technique or something.

    3rd injection - hit a nerve! For anyone wondering how you know you hit a just know. There’s honestly no mistaking it. I basically withdrew the needle as a reflex action and started again.

    There’s no significant feeling of being ‘on’ just now, although I think my body looks slightly harder, but it could just be a placebo. The physiological effect is quite amusing. This is my first cycle after patiently training for over a decade and seeing good but steady results. Within a few days on being ‘on’ I’m left wondering why I haven’t turned into the Incredible Hulk yet

    The general consensus seems to be that gain really kick into action after 6 weeks or so, what’s the reason behind this?
    Last edited by RL997; 04-07-2018 at 04:39 AM.

  11. #11
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    Apr 2018
    Should he keep.the hcg at least 2weeks into pct as well?

    Or only run it the last 4weeks of cycle and 2 weeks of pct?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    Some time you get cold or flu like symptoms in the first week.
    You 2nd week you sjould get alot of wood, your 4th week is going to be the best

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