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Thread: This Cycle is driving me crazy... need advice

  1. #1

    This Cycle is driving me crazy... need advice

    Greetings all...

    I am sorry if some of you are hearing the same info. Trying to make a decision to coninue or stop my cycle.

    Ease let me know if you need more background.

    Basically first cycle in 20 years. Pip is lasting at times 4 days to past a week. Pinning Cyp 500 mg 2x per week in Glutes.

    Im leaning up, strength and good libido.

    Last pin was Monday, 5 days ago. I need to pin tommorrow.

    I am beginning week 6.

    Each pin, get swelling for the few days, some lumps, sore.

    Gear is UG from Paraguay.


  2. #2
    Oh boy. Paraguay? I hope you have family there or something because otherwise who knows what you’ve got. Take antibiotics immediately and discontinue cycle, is my advice, unless you are 100% certain. I’m not going to comment on whether or not I think you should be doing juice as you seem to be in a situation at the moment.

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  3. #3
    I have had people use this supplier as well as his products....

    Dont think its any type of infection. No fever and swelling goes away...

  4. #4
    Also if i do srop, do i need to run PCT?

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by parkrangerlovell View Post
    I have had people use this supplier as well as his products....

    Dont think its any type of infection. No fever and swelling goes away...
    I’d stop just cause. Natty feels better for me. Good luck.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by parkrangerlovell View Post
    Also if i do srop, do i need to run PCT?
    Are the gains coming?

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  7. #7
    Yes definetly... leaning up and strength

  8. #8
    Who is injecting you? What length is the needle? What gauge?

    You can buy some whatman filters and filter your gear through it, it’ll take out any bacteria and stuff. But if those went aren’t going down you need to get on the antibiotics. If you’re in the stTes you can probably buy fish antibiotics on amazon.

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  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by destroyingit View Post
    Who is injecting you? What length is the needle? What gauge?

    You can buy some whatman filters and filter your gear through it, it’ll take out any bacteria and stuff. But if those went aren’t going down you need to get on the antibiotics. If you’re in the stTes you can probably buy fish antibiotics on amazon.

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    Cipro is strongest

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  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by destroyingit View Post
    Cipro is strongest

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    Or clyndamicyn, or tetracycline or doxycycline

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  11. #11
    23 g 1". Roomate injecting

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    Hey parkranger, welcome back. You should inject yourself and it should not hurt at all. Did you swab the injection spot, the needle, and the vial top with a new alcohol swab for each?

    Try 25g needle next time but it will do for now.

    Injecting should not hurt you should pick a spot where you don't feel it when the tip of the needle is touching the skin. If it stings it means you're hitting a nerve, pick a spot closely next to that spot before penetrating skin. Push needle slowly in same with oil. Pull out slowly.

    Might want to try and filter the gear since it is working... I would do so. Make sure to get 0.22 micron syringe filters and presealed sterile vials.

  13. #13
    I am acrually using a 25 g. Was using a 23 g. It dosent hurt going in. All is good injecting. Sterile. Its about 2 days later comes the pain, swelling.

    I have a buddy with experience that has informed me that the juice and my body just arent working.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    Try some other gear? If the same gear is causing you issues but not others you know... Who knows might be some carrier oil you don't do well with, or some other ingredient...

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