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Thread: Aromasin on Cycle or not.

  1. #1

    Aromasin on Cycle or not.


    I just got different opinion on using AI during cycle and I am bit confused, I'm on test E 350/week and HGH 6 IU/DAY and for PCT I've Clomid and Nolvadex. Also I have aromasin on hand , but till now which is week 3 I did not use it because didn't experience any side effect.

    So my question is should i start taking aromasin or wait for the side effects?
    Another question, if i wanna start it will 6.25 mg ED enough?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    High estrogen is not healthy and you don't necessarily have to "feel it". But if you insist on waiting to feel things then experiment without an AI and wait for a pair of boobs to grow and see if you like that appearance

    6.25 aromasin is a bit low I'd go with 12.5mg. It can't crash your estrogen. Check this thread:

    You have to do blood work (with a sensitive estradiol test) to figure out how much AI you need...

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by cousinmuscles View Post
    High estrogen is not healthy and you don't necessarily have to "feel it". But if you insist on waiting to feel things then experiment without an AI and wait for a pair of boobs to grow and see if you like that appearance

    6.25 aromasin is a bit low I'd go with 12.5mg. It can't crash your estrogen. Check this thread:

    You have to do blood work (with a sensitive estradiol test) to figure out how much AI you need...
    Thanks for your reply, so I just went through your suggested thread and from what I get even if i want to take 12.5 mg it is better to split it between two meals since the half life is 9 hours in mens?

    And I have one more question what Hormone analysis should be included in my blood work?

  4. #4
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by cousinmuscles View Post
    High estrogen is not healthy and you don't necessarily have to "feel it". But if you insist on waiting to feel things then experiment without an AI and wait for a pair of boobs to grow and see if you like that appearance

    6.25 aromasin is a bit low I'd go with 12.5mg. It can't crash your estrogen. Check this thread:

    You have to do blood work (with a sensitive estradiol test) to figure out how much AI you need...
    Agreed. Prevention is a far better way than the cure imho. I've also experimented many times on myself and for me a bit to prevent is more beneficial than trying to cure high E

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