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Thread: 12 Week cycle + 4 week PCT - Back on

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2018

    12 Week cycle + 4 week PCT - Back on

    I know it's not advised because your body still hasn't recovered and hasn't given it a break. But what would be the damages even if you were to do this kind of thing once? Currently on TestE 600mg week be doing my 4 week PCT after (only in my 1st week long way to go) would it be ok to jump straight back on after PCT to do a cutting cycle a little bit ready for summer?

    If i were to do this it would only be once.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Best advice? Don’t get fat on this cycle.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    I was planning on bulking a lot and just to add as much size as possible. I've already seen a little bloated and maybe a little fat. This is my first cycle so what would you recommend? would you recommend implementing some cardio and eating at maintenance?

    this is where i'm at now.
    Last edited by BenTren; 04-08-2018 at 08:27 AM.

  4. #4
    First cycle and already wanting the results of longterm bodybuilders. You can do whatever you want as long as you're willing to pay the consequences. Not sure of your stats but you look to young in the first place. You obviously haven't put in the work to even be cycling AAS. With all that said you've already answered your own question. "I know Its not suggested". No one on here is going to advise harming your hpta. Pct is a very important part of this lifestyle. Good luck. I know this reply will sting a bit but it's not to offend you. It's an honest reply.

    Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    I'm not looking to be at 225lbs at 6% body fat don't worry. I'm just curious as to would you recommend to bulk now (looking at my current state) then after run a cutting cycle - or would it be more advised to just cut now then bulk?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2018
    aka m.hornbuckle
    stop watching YouTube and fucking lift weights and eat right.


    if you want to pct then immediately jump back on your doing WAY WAY WAY more dangerous harm to your entire body (not just endocrine/HPTA, but heart, arteries, valves, lipids, kidneys) than just dropping to a 200mg test dose for 4 to 6 seeks then going back to high dose AAS cycle.

    this is called blasting and cruising.

    you'll get you immediate results in a few years , you'll look like piana, or bostin. but your also going to be a very unhealthy man in your mid 30s as well.

    you do realize (god I can't stress enough) us guys in our late 30s would kill for young men level of natty hormones.

    and your just pissing it all away ...

    as well as doing no research (I've read all your threads and posts) and just wanting spoon fed info.

    yes,,run your test 600, deca 600 and no ai.
    you young you an handle it...
    Last edited by Couchlockd; 04-08-2018 at 09:34 AM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by m.hornbuckle View Post
    stop watching YouTube and fucking lift weights and eat right.


    if you want to pct then immediately jump back on your doing WAY WAY WAY more dangerous harm to your entire body (not just endocrine/HPTA, but heart, arteries, valves, lipids, kidneys) than just dropping to a 200mg test dose for 4 to 6 seeks then going back to high dose AAS cycle.

    this is called blasting and cruising.

    you'll get you immediate results in a few years , you'll look like piana, or bostin. but your also going to be a very unhealthy man in your mid 30s as well.

    you do realize (god I can't stress enough) us guys in our late 30s would kill for young men level of natty hormones.

    and your just pissing it all away ...

    as well as doing no research (I've read all your threads and posts) and just wanting spoon fed info.

    yes,,run your test 600, deca 600 and no ai.
    you young you an handle it...
    cheers for the reply. I have done a lot of research but certain things need to be put in simple terms and then you'll be able to understand the more complex ways(if that makes sense) so the harder info is easier once a more experienced user has laid it out more simply.

    I'll probably wait out my PCT time on + off then if i want to do this a long term thing.

    As to my status now - would you just recommend to slam the weight for now add as much muscle and strength as i can and once i've finished this cycle cut like f*ck? Also i'm not running deca atm only test and dbol for a kickstarter.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Please please please start a thread in the diet section and get your diet squared away. List in that thread what you eat currently on a daily basis.

    And ditch the Dbol ASAP.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    aka m.hornbuckle
    Quote Originally Posted by BenTren View Post
    cheers for the reply. I have done a lot of research but certain things need to be put in simple terms and then you'll be able to understand the more complex ways(if that makes sense) so the harder info is easier once a more experienced user has laid it out more simply.

    I'll probably wait out my PCT time on + off then if i want to do this a long term thing.

    As to my status now - would you just recommend to slam the weight for now add as much muscle and strength as i can and once i've finished this cycle cut like f*ck? Also i'm not running deca atm only test and dbol for a kickstarter.
    its too late, the snake bit ya. just run this cycle 12 weeks pct and hope for recovery.

  10. #10
    kelkel's Avatar
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    Steroids don't do miracles. If so, we'd all look like Arnold. Stop looking for the quick fix and put in the time and effort. This shit takes years and years to accomplish.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Steroids don't do miracles. If so, we'd all look like Arnold. Stop looking for the quick fix and put in the time and effort. This shit takes years and years to accomplish.
    i know that. I just want the BEST results for my cycle. Implementing some cardio (30 minutes of boxing) would help fight fat and still build muscle yeah?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    dont ask for a source thx
    cutting now would be a waste of time you will loose everything you may have gained...besides there is very little actual muscle to show right now...I know you don't want to here it but it is what it is...try taking to time off that's recommended between cycles to see what you actually keep for gains imho...

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by ghettoboyd View Post
    cutting now would be a waste of time you will loose everything you may have gained...besides there is very little actual muscle to show right now...I know you don't want to here it but it is what it is...try taking to time off that's recommended between cycles to see what you actually keep for gains imho...
    ok thanks for your honest kind response. So many hotheaded juice-heads around here need showing Alpha. F*ck it ima bulk like fuck time off then cut like f*ck.

  14. #14
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    Nov 2016
    If you don't give your body enough rest to recover and reset you're trying to damage your HPTA and put yourself at a high risk for needing TRT for the rest of your life.

    Quote Originally Posted by m.hornbuckle View Post
    stop watching YouTube and fucking lift weights and eat right.


    if you want to pct then immediately jump back on your doing WAY WAY WAY more dangerous harm to your entire body (not just endocrine/HPTA, but heart, arteries, valves, lipids, kidneys) than just dropping to a 200mg test dose for 4 to 6 seeks then going back to high dose AAS cycle.

    this is called blasting and cruising.

    you'll get you immediate results in a few years , you'll look like piana, or bostin. but your also going to be a very unhealthy man in your mid 30s as well.

    you do realize (god I can't stress enough) us guys in our late 30s would kill for young men level of natty hormones.

    and your just pissing it all away ...
    200mg test is too high to "cruise" at. If your test levels were fine pre cycle you have no reason not to PCT, you should be able to regain pretty much all the gains except water weight.

    How did you come to the conclusion that a PCT is more damaging in all the ways you mentioned? Also horrible advice to tell someone to stay on forever.

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    aka m.hornbuckle
    Quote Originally Posted by cousinmuscles View Post
    If you don't give your body enough rest to recover and reset you're trying to damage your HPTA and put yourself at a high risk for needing TRT for the rest of your life.

    200mg test is too high to "cruise" at. If your test levels were fine pre cycle you have no reason not to PCT, you should be able to regain pretty much all the gains except water weight.

    How did you come to the conclusion that a PCT is more damaging in all the ways you mentioned? Also horrible advice to tell someone to stay on forever.
    bridging a cycle is far healthier on your HPTA than blasting right after pct

    If a bridge dose was so terrible for somebody why would they prescribe that kind of dose for trt it'll give you trt for 4 weeks and then give you PCT for 4 weeks to see if the trt started your hpta again they keep you on that those and that's that

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by m.hornbuckle View Post
    bridging a cycle is far healthier on your HPTA than blasting right after pct

    If a bridge dose was so terrible for somebody why would they prescribe that kind of dose for trt it'll give you trt for 4 weeks and then give you PCT for 4 weeks to see if the trt started your hpta again they keep you on that those and that's that
    There's no logic to why it would be healthier. Staying on for long periods of time makes it difficult if not impossible to recover. Though I am not implying going back on test shortly after PCT is good either.

    Doctors don't prescribe 200mg for TRT. Some doctors who follow old practices prescribe 200mg once every two weeks. It's more like 80-100mg test E/C. Hell nebido is 1000mg every 10-12 weeks and the ester weighs even more, that's equivalent of 75-90mg test E/C per week. Supraphysiological test levels are not healthy and you'll have lots of issues in the long run...

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by BenTren View Post
    i know that. I just want the BEST results for my cycle. Implementing some cardio (30 minutes of boxing) would help fight fat and still build muscle yeah?
    Instead of bulking for 12 weeks and then going immediately into a cut, I'd recommend that you do a 14 week lean bulk cycle. This is basically a Test Cycle, that you're on right now, and adding HIIT training like boxing 3 to 4 times per week for cardio. The key to the lean bulk is the diet. You can lose fat and gain muscle if you put the right foods into your body at the right time. "At the right time" is really important. You have to dial that eating thing in and you'll look great at the end of 14 weeks. I would discourage you to jump right into a cut cycle after PCT. Give yourself time to recover.

    Even with AAS, it takes time and a number of cycles to really hone your body into a beach god. Be patient, it'll come.

  18. #18
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    Apr 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    Instead of bulking for 12 weeks and then going immediately into a cut, I'd recommend that you do a 14 week lean bulk cycle. This is basically a Test Cycle, that you're on right now, and adding HIIT training like boxing 3 to 4 times per week for cardio. The key to the lean bulk is the diet. You can lose fat and gain muscle if you put the right foods into your body at the right time. "At the right time" is really important. You have to dial that eating thing in and you'll look great at the end of 14 weeks. I would discourage you to jump right into a cut cycle after PCT. Give yourself time to recover.

    Even with AAS, it takes time and a number of cycles to really hone your body into a beach god. Be patient, it'll come.
    Cheers for the Info. Ill have a read up on clean bulking and when to dial in the right time for foods etc. Morning cardio followed by some weights in the evening. Sounds like a plan!

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