Hey guys,
I just wanted to check in on pct related to the cycle I’m gonna start. I’ve cycled a fair bit in the past but it’s been a while. I’m 5’6” currently 186, I’m deifintly in the 10-12bf%, 32yo.
Current plan:
Week 1: test E 1000mg front load; tren E 200mg; Var 100mg ed
Week 2-10: test E 500mg; tren E 200mg; 100mg var ed
Week 1-10; adex .5 eod adjust as needed
Just looking into suggested Pct. due to availability and knowledge I hadn’t historically ran super conprehensive pct but I also never had a recoupe problem... not once (I also have never cycled longer that 10wk with or taken less than a 6-12month break).
I haven’t run tren in a very long time and I’m starting at an obviously lower dose for two reasons 1) I’m using E for less injections - so I’d rather ease into it. 2) the history around tren shows we don’t nessesarily need the monster doses taken today.
As far as pct goes just wondering about HCG (which I’ve never utilized) along with the other general compounds. Without asking and from my history without advise I’d probably just go with the clomid/nolva at 100/100/50/50 40/40/20/20
Any advise would be appreciated