So I really hope someone has time to help me because I got in a pretty shitty situation that could have happened to anybody.
I've been a professional volleyball player from Austria for 3 years, but decided to make 2 semesters of uni in Beijing. And there I obviously continued playing volleyball (did weightlifting but wasn't intrested in bodybuilding) and was forced to take supplements, due to heavy trainings.
Sadly I somehow got fake BCAA.
After 2 weeks of use I felt something was wrong with it so I stopped using it. I was feeling stronger and my muscles were tighter (so after a lot of research I assume it was anavar).
2-3 days later I started feeling no energy or motivation at all. My libido levels were gone and I got testicular athropy.
Because of all that I started doing reasearch and came accros clomid.
I don't want to start trt because I'm only 19 and just want to start my HPTA.
I'm also afraid of using HCG because I heard it could suppress my natural testosterone production.
I used 4 weeks of clomid 50mg/ED but ditched it yesterday. Now I'm taking a natural test booster (19- Anabol Testo from USN) and ZMA.
My energy levels are better but not how it used to be. Libido still low and athropy still as well.
I never had the intention to take any steroids in my life and would never have done it, but now here I am stuck in this shitty situation, I really hope somone can help.